We werent born siblings through natural blood. But we were through - TopicsExpress


We werent born siblings through natural blood. But we were through our common bond. Abandonment, loneliness, abuse, ridicule, cast away, forsaken, lost and more. We helped each other heal. Because we knew what each other felt deep inside. We knew because we were siblings of suffering. We both grew strong because of the bond. What is blood? From our own past weve learned, it is nothing but what flows through our veins. Pumps in our hearts. Its not what binds us together as a family. Family to us was each other. There never was an adopted terminology in our vocabulary. We were family because we were. Most wouldnt get it. Most couldnt see it. Most just never knew. We did. As the realization of not being able to hear you call me Bub; even though you knew I hated the term, and I not being able to say to you Love you more than me Twitch as we ended a call or text or a visit sinks in each day since you left us, Ive found myself feeling overwhelmed with sorrow. Its becoming hard to accept youre gone. The initial shock has worn off, and the reality of dealing with what I have to undertake to make sure youre properly laid to rest is much for me to bare. But I will, because thats what big brothers do. They take care of their little sister. I tried to while you were with us Amy Marie. But you were so damn independent and freaking stubborn. Always being self reliant and such. But that was what our common bond raised us to be. So I understood and always gave room to you to be free as you wanted. Telling me that youre fine, youll be ok, you got this. You were beautiful inside and out sis. And man did we have some fun together. We laughed and played in our temporal time given to us. We made the most of it. We made lasting memories. Memories that will keep me from despair. Memories of how you were a fighter. One tough little lady. Memories that will remind me to be strong like you. God knows Im trying. And because of our common bond, I will once again overcome the sorrow and loneliness and smile again. Because thats what little sisters do. They make their big brothers smile again. You would be so overwhelmed by all the love shown for you. As I have been. Im so thankful for the friends and family that have contacted me here and privately to express their love and thoughtfulness since you left. Its meant so much to me to know that I have a family of friends to lift us up. My beautiful Stella and your nieces and nephew have been a strength for me. I love you my Twitch. I will never ever forget you. I will hold you in my dreams and comfort you in my heart now. Until we meet again, Your big bro, your Bub
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 03:03:10 +0000

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