We will be able to see the full eclipse in NZ and Australia - TopicsExpress


We will be able to see the full eclipse in NZ and Australia tomorrow night,also visible in eastern Asia and Americas. Enjoy the transformations, see you in the dancing Light shinning Bright, Love Soluntra xxxxx OCTOBER 8th ARIES FULL MOON 15.05 degrees AND TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE FIRST LIGHT TIME NZ 11.51pm eclipse 11.55pm, AUST EST 9.51pm eclipse 9.55pm GMT/UTC 10.51am eclipse 10.55am The Moon is directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and seen as fully illuminated from Earth. The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, the Aries Full Moon is always powerful, new beginnings and polarised by Libran balance and desire for unity. It is a good time to meditate and be open to what you are creating in your new life and way of being in the new paradigm. With this Moon we are given the Cosmic blessings to transcend the parts of self still attached to the old paradigm and duality dance, and focus on what we choose to create in Love and Peace. The Aries Full Moon always seems to be a good one for creating big shifts and new ways of doing things. Read also about the Moon as the Final Initiation The Lunar Eclipse with the Aries Full Moon is a time to celebrate the birthing we have just gone through with September Equinox and be attuned to the New Stars if you feel too. Our Starlight Body is being woven through our denser fabrics of creation and creating pathways of starlight to glow through our cells and being. Giving us greater integration in our multi-dimensional bodies and transmuting limiting destructive thought patterns that have blocked the lower astral planes. Assisting the Earth to transmute the old toxins; from fossil fuels, chemicals, radiation, heavy metals, as we utilise our power of love and see the Earth and everyone as whole and healed. A Lunar Eclipse is when the Sun and Moon are opposite with the Earth in between. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earths dark shadow, or umbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red colour. The eclipse will be visible throughout NZ, the Pacific, Australia, most of North America, South America and eastern Asia. See at eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2014.html Lunar Eclipses are working more on the emotions, inner and hidden aspects, you will be able to go deep not only into your own psyche and centre, but work with the Councils of Light in holding the Divine Source/Light portals worldwide in oneness and unity, anchoring into the denser realms and third dimension the higher frequencies and multi-dimensional worlds, the beam you hold the higher frequencies as we move beyond the illusion. This eclipse is illuminating us from within and bringing clarity to see and be our higher self/inner self and work in the Bigger Picture. If you feel stuck look at your life from yourself as a Light Being and laugh and lighten up. Also be aware that everyone in your life is there in a bigger picture sense as well. Ask permission on the inner planes if you are allowed to be shown who they really are, and your mission together from the bigger picture and Greater Reality. This will help to shift a lot of the old patterns and dramas that are no longer appropriate and be in a peaceful loving space with everyone. In the Bigger Picture you may feel guided to be at a vortex point or sacred site as there is much occurring now with the grids and the anchor points of the old and new paradigms. A shift is taking place and many portals and vortexes that held the beam in the old paradigm when duality was our lesson are now changing position as we unify and awaken our hearts to the love that we are. Some are still working and are being recalibrated. There is a lot of Light coming in with this eclipse as the Moon assists us to move through the initiations of the heart. The Councils of Light are utilising the special energies of this Full Moon eclipse to illuminate us so we can easily connect into the unified matrix of Light, the Diamond Light Matrix. Take the opportunity at this time to link up on the inner with all others known and unknown and be open to each other’s divine blueprint as we honour each other and our self. Aware of the Light Grid connecting us as it illuminates through the new Diamond Crystalline Grid in the Earth and ethers. As we see with eyes of love the true being of all humanity and all life, in love and honour, gratitude and joy for the beauty that is life and the radiant Star that we are, as the Earth is a Star and we radiant unlimited facets of Diamond Light… Celebrate with a sacred fire or candles…Dance in the freedom of Being.. see this with links to relevant info on my website evenstarcreations/index.php/cosmic-events/current-cosmic-events See for astrological aspects darkstarastrology/lunar-eclipse-october-2014/ THE ENERGIES IN BETWEEN ECLIPSES CAN BE VERY INTENSE. If possible spend time at a vortex and just be with the Earth and multi-dimensional energies in a state of allowing and peace. The energy between eclipses can be very full on, we are being drawn deep inside to love and parts of us that are still holding onto fear and illusion, a big clean out time.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 21:29:25 +0000

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