We will be open for normal business, and here is an update. We - TopicsExpress


We will be open for normal business, and here is an update. We have spent the weekend in awe and wondered do we share this on our business page? Sharing ones faith in God or belief is so frowned upon in todays world, let alone the business world. But we think that since this has been His project for us since day one, sharing is what we should do. Thank you for praying for Eran. I know at times we are asked to pray for things or people we may not even know, and with our world being the way it is right now, sometimes we may wonder if our prayers even mattered. Well, they did. For some history to understand, 3 yrs ago, our son almost died and needed emergency gastro surgery. Little to our knowledge, he had been born with malrotation, and having had some small cross contamination of gluten, his intestine kinked and was about to rupture. The surgeons at childrens hospital, did a great job. But medications they gave post op created severe, life threatening complications. Long story short, we spent weeks at the childrens hospital away from home, and away from our other children. When we returned home, complications arose again. We were so frustrated with the hospital and their inability to fix Eran. We called a pastor friend, and we all prayed over Eran. He got so hot, and our 3 yr old daughter asked did you see them momma? I asked who she saw. She said, the angels. 20 minutes later our Eran was fine, asking for food. This was amazing to us. We shared his story with close friends and family but some people treated us like we were very odd. So we really didnt share his story much after that. Fast forward to this past Friday. Eran started having pain like before his surgery. God was completely amazing during this whole weekend. My mind is still trying to wrap around it all. We had to drive to childrens hospital during Friday rush hour traffic. Frank was rushing and hit the gas instead of the brake when traffic had abruptly stopped a foot away, we should have crashed badly, but somehow ( God) we didnt! The highway seemed to just open up for us and we made the rest of the trip without speeding in about 50 min which should have taken closer to 90min. The ER was packed, but a very kind stranger gave up his spot to be seen, so our son could go. The tests revealed what we hoped it would not, another blockage. We fought the fear this time, and kept believing that God had this. We knew we had so many people praying for Eran and could feel that people were praying. Hours went by with no improvement and they began admitting Eran to the hospital. I had to go to the parking lot to call home and tell everyone Eran was being admitted. When I returned to his room. Frank told me Eran had finally peed. ( sorry, but these little things a mom understands are so important) I was also amazed to see our little guy on morphine was sitting up and talking! Wow! I asked him how he was. He said he was so hot. I felt his little back, he was burning up. They checked him, no fever. Hmmm. Minutes after feeling so hot, Eran looks at us and says, Im hungry. We got admitted and Saturday morning more tests. For the entire day Eran seemed back to normal to us, but the drs. dont tell us a thing. Finally they come in and say, Youre going home. The obstruction is gone. Just gone. They have no answer for how its just not there any more. But we know differently. Eran now has documented proof of how Great and Amazing our God is. When we returned home, I got 5 min of alone time in the shower and broke down. So amazed, so overwhelmed, so thankful!!! God reminded me in that moment to share this story. To not be afraid what others will think or say. Its His story, of how amazing He is. So if you ever wonder do my prayers help? Please know that yes they do. They really do!!!! Thank you to all the prayer warriors!!! May God bless you also!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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