We will begin reading 2 chronicles 8.. As I have read the word - TopicsExpress


We will begin reading 2 chronicles 8.. As I have read the word of God these days, Ive found something that happens to a people that read the word of God, we want to do what God says in his word. Recently, God, gave me the opportunity to share the word of God to a small group of about 35 to 40 internationals gathered for a prayer meeting.. I realized something unique about this group, as much as I could tell, they all were sincere people, who sincerely love God. This group are people, who read the word of God, and the same thing has affected them, they want to do, what they have read in the word of God. King Solomon, built God a temple, the scriptures says it took twenty years to build the temple.. So once the temple is built, Solomon, prays and dedicates the temple to God. Something happens when we are exposed to the word of God, do you know what happens? Faith comes to you, when you are exposed to the word of God. Just as historical Israel, when they discovered the word of God, they realize a couple of things, number one, they have a God they are accountable to, second, the things that they may be doing wrong, and the sincere in heart, humble themselves, and repent! This repentance causes God to turn towards that people and hear there prayers. Third, once the people have aligned themselves rightly, with God, it allows, God to righteously bless that people. With the blessing that comes to a people who honor God wholeheartedly. Faith comes, to a people who are exposed to the word, that word turns the peoples heart toward the God of there salvation. And creation is in alignment as it should be..King Solomon, prays and dedicates the temple and the people in chapters 6 and 7 ... Our modern day Christianity is struggling to maintain authenticity.. You might say, pastor Devi, what are you talking about? My church is alive and well! And Ill say to you dear one if it is, it is one of the few. True faith in God is being challenged on every hand. Do you realize how much unbelief, is inside the four walls of what is called church it would astound you! The true saints that believe all of Gods word are a minority! Jesus said, you would know them by there fruit..! And Jesus said through the spirit of David in the book of Psalms, 40:6,7 low I come in the volume of the Book, it is written of me Verse 6, I didnt quote here, but read it.. I did it on purpose for you that will read, to see what it says. Solomon prays, an all encompassing prayer, and God answers him in like manner. Modern Christian church, if we dont pray! Im talking about real, sweat drops prayer, we are going to miss God! America is on the path to an anti-Christian society. You might say brother we already there! And Ill say no not yet.. Because we can still worship freely.. Once the wicked become empowered to legislate Christianity as against the law, then we are living in a true anti-Christian society.. We must cease to be satisfied with in the Black Church content with shouting and dancing! We have a good feeling, and no real change.. What has our happy feeling done to change, drug addiction, or teenage pregnancy, or the poverty in our community. Just to mention a few real plagues. The same spirit that supposedly make us better people, does not empower us to change our community around us. In the White church, we are content with building our own, ecclesiastical kingdoms, we build the grand facilities, we find our pet causes, to address and fund and then work on, bringing more people into our church. People confuse organizational acumen to create growth in numbers as the blessing of God.. There are people with organizational skills, and are little things that you can do to close the back door.. In your church.. There people know those things to do, so a churches numbers start to increase.. Every week, the potential for growth walks in our church front doors, but without skills, of leadership they never return although they may like some element of our services..There is no denying church growth is an act of God, church health is an act of God as well! When you have so many people in one place and the average attendees are spiritually immature? How much is God really growing a church.?While all the time, the kingdom of God suffers violence little by little, faith is trying to be stolen, by agents of unbelief within our churches. But thank God for the remnant, God said he would have a remnant So now faith comes . That was my message to that small group... They had no idea, what God was doing to them.. They became the seeds of a movement that will be unstoppable! Not because, I shared, but because God, could get a word to them.. A Simple word, Seeds planted.. That germinate in due time!! Seeds of Faith! Faith, that makes all things possible! And God will have an Army of faith filled people in this last day.. Who know their God and will do exploits... Thank God for a man like Solomon, who had the heart of God to pray! And we have the book to see that prayer, and follow... While an enemy has sown tares, in the church, there is a harvest time coming when the reapers will separate the wheat from the tares, lets just make sure we are the wheat and not the tares, that we are the sheep and not the goats.. and that weve been planted in good ground with our roots going deep in Christ ... The is a river, that flows from heaven to earth. Its inside of you, its inside of me.. Flow river flow! Flow river flow, flow river flow..! Song by Jonathan Nelson. Selah.. And Shalom.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 13:58:02 +0000

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