We will help you to fulfil Your Dream We believe that your - TopicsExpress


We will help you to fulfil Your Dream We believe that your vacation is the most important part of your life, the time when you recuperate your body and mind from the stress of work. We understand that you are looking for ways to take your mind away from everyday activities and relax with something different challenging, inspirational, educational, spiritual or physical. In Nepal you can find it all these. We are here to help you to fulfil your dream and make your holiday unforgettable. Our management, our staff, our guides and travel consultants are focused to make your holiday in our country stress free, relaxing and exciting We provide a good value for your holidays You have invested your precious time, resources and trust in our service and we will strive to give you the best return possible on your investment. Your holiday does not have to be expensive but it has to be memorable and must satisfy your expectations. This is our job and we will do everything possible to make it happen. Our prices are fully disclosed and there are no hidden costs. You find our prices very competitive Integrity is very important to us and we want you to experience the best of our country and return in the future as many of our customers and their friends and relatives We offer extensive range of quality services We offer an extensive menu of high quality tour options in Nepal and Himalayan regions of Tibet Bhutan and India. Our offers include fixed departure holiday as well as a range of customized options for groups and individuals. We also provide booking of hotels and range of airfares. We proud ourselves with flexibility and responsiveness to the needs of our customers We specialize in individually designed and fixed departures We have evolved from the field of basic travel services and base camp mountaineering and climbing services in Nepal and Tibet. We have extensive logistics experience in both individual and group operations. With climbing and high elevation mountaineering there is need for flexibility in planning and responsiveness to customer needs. This experience allows us to provide agile tour operations and to treat all our customers as individuals and to ensure timely, reliable and fixed itineraries We are locally owned and operated Please check our team. We are local people, who grew up in Nepal and know the country and people very well. Our management as well as all guides and other employees have hands on experience on the trek, managing base camp services, providing climbing and mountaineering services, guiding, organizing and managing individual and group trekking and expeditions. We are also building a network of friends and representatives in many countries to help you our customer to obtain information and reference locally in your country. With us you will be in experienced hands Sustainability, Integrity, Environment, Social Responsibility Local people, our employees, the environment and our country reputation is at the upmost forefront of our operations. In all our operations we are utilizing local people for the provision of services to provide fair economic opportunities in the regions we visit. We pay fair prices for the services and consider all local people as part of our national family. We are passing through their villages few times a year and proud ourselves on good relationships with all locals. We promote friendship interaction of our customers with local hosts to enrich experience from your visit. Our philosophy is to promote environmental and social responsibility and to bring good and memorable experience for you our customer, your local hosts and our employees
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 09:52:16 +0000

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