We will not be posting as many rescue stories as often but we will - TopicsExpress


We will not be posting as many rescue stories as often but we will still be sharing some rescue posts. We are very thankful for the help that you all chipped in to give Ginger. If anyone remembers Sasha, she still needs assistance to go back to the veterinarian. She only needs $194 of the more than $600 she started out needing. It was a little more the last time we posted but we were able to raise some for her on the private group page. If anyone can help her with any amount, even if it is just $1, it would mean the world to this baby. If anyone can not afford to contribute, you can like, share, or comment to help spread the story. Thanks to everyone that will help in any way. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Sashas original request: Last year at this time Sasha was chasing, what seemed like, each and every leaf that floated down on the cool fall breeze. She would chase a leaf from one side of the small yard to the other. As soon as she tagged one, she would already have another in her sights. As if they were large dangerous game; she would hunker down, wiggle her sassy little behind, then lunge for the kill. Of course, she was only a few months old then. Even though she is a year older now, she would definitely rather be chasing after a leaf than holding on for her poor little life. Sashas people parents, Melissa and Brad, have been married for two years. After their first love filled year together the subject of having kids came up. Since Brad had been in a terrible car wreck, close to the close of that first year, he was out of work. It had left the young couple dependent on Melissas department store salary. They had decided that, even though she was anxious to grow their family, they should wait until they were financially stable to have children. Brad knew that it was breaking Melissas heart that they may not get to have their first child for several more years. Feeling completely responsible (though the wreck was not his fault) for the delay, he did what any caring man in his position would do.....he adopted. Of course it was not a child he adopted, in the conventional sense anyway. He adopted Sasha, a feisty months old kitten, from the local shelter. When Melissa came through the door, on her return from work that day, she fell in love. At first sight Sasha stole her heart, as she lay at Brads feet pawing at the strings hanging from seam of his tattered blue jeans then running straight to Melissas feet and purring hard as she rubbed against her leg. Melissa picked up the first baby her and Brad would ever have together and immediately felt the hole that was growing in their life begin to close. Now Melissa is facing the harsh reality that the hole that was patched in their life, that first day she met her baby, could very well be torn back open. For this past year everything has been going well, not great but not horrible, for the couple and their fur-baby. Brad has showed improvement with his injury, Melissas job is steady, and Sasha has grown bigger and more beautiful. Sasha is a house cat. After all, you dont make your only child sleep outside. Most do allow their babies, especially fur-babies, to go out to play. Just like she has done every day for the past week or more, she was out enjoying the fall weather and leaf chases over the weekend. She normally goes out around noon then comes back in with Melissa around four or five oclock. When Melissa came in on Saturday, she noticed right away that Sasha was not there to meet her on her way in. She figured that Sasha must have went in early due to the colder than normal weather so she went on in. After putting away her jacket and changing, Melissa made her way to the recliner, giving Brad a hello kiss on her way. She set down and ask when Sasha came in. She came in when you did....didnt she Brad ask puzzled. No? Is she not inside Melissa ask in return. I let her out at 12 Brad answered. Thats odd, maybe she is out back chasing a bird or something Melissa replied. I will go call her. Melissa went out and called for Sasha for what seemed like hours. Getting more and more worried the longer she called with no results. She finally decided to go back in and get her keys so she could search the neighborhood. She stepped in and grabbed the keys off the hook by the door and yelled out to Brad that she was going to go look for Sasha. Can you look under the house and make sure she isnt under there, she ask Brad. Before he could answer the phone rang. It was Brads fishing buddy from a few doors down. He ask if their cat was missing. Yea, is she down there Brad ask. I think so, but she wont come to me. She is under my car, I heard her when I started the car he explained. Brad told him they would come get her right away and ask if he could wait to pull out. When Brad told Melissa what was said her heart dropped. She knew something was wrong. Once they got to her, Melissas fears were confirmed. Sasha couldnt walk and it was all Brad could do to get down on his stomach to pull her out but he managed it. They took Sasha home and immediately began calling veterinarians to find one they could take her to. They had to take her to an emergency clinic about 30 miles away. The veterinarian informed them that she had several broken ribs, a broken hind leg, and a sprained hind leg. He also told them he was almost 100% sure that her injuries were inflicted by someone since there was no cuts or outward bleeding that would be expected from an animal attack or being hit by an automobile. Later that evening Brads fishing buddy called to check on Sasha. He told them that his daughters friend had saw some boys throwing a cat up in the air as high as they could and chasing after it. The girls friend told her the boys said they were seeing if cats really do always land on their feet! (Any sane person know they do not but even if they did, a fall from high enough will hurt no matter how you land.) The girls friend told her that they had thrown it several times before an older lady came out of a nearby house and ran the boys off. She said the lady had tried to call the cat but it wouldnt come to her. Melissa and Brad have filed a police report and were told that they would investigate the matter and that they took animal cruelty very seriously. Of course that does not help poor Sasha. She is in very bad shape and needs surgery along with other medical care. As of this post, Melissa and Brad didnt even have enough to cover the vet visit and pain meds both so they put off the vet visit and got her meds which are helping but will not fix her broken bones. The young couple have ask if we can help. Unfortunately, right now, all we can do is post their story and ask for fellow pet lovers to help this poor baby. Sasha is in desperate need of surgery and follow up care. Melissa and Brad are already behind on their house payment and are close to being foreclosed on already and barely afford their monthly bills as it is. They do not qualify for care credit. We would like to ask that all pet lovers consider making a contribution. Any amount helps. If just half the people that saw this would give one dollar it would be enough. Of course, that will not happen but we hope some will find it in their heart to help. This baby did not ask for this kind of cruelty to be done to her. We can only help angels like Sasha with the assistance of fellow pet lovers. Please consider helping these two wonderful pet parents save their baby. Click on the link below to make a contribution, you can leave instructions or message us to let us know that your contribution is for Sasha. All monetary gifts are accepted through Pay-Pal for security purposes, it is not necessary to set up a Pay-Pal account to donate though. If you do not have a Pay-Pal account, scroll to the bottom of the page and there is a link to make contributions with a debit or credit card. Thanks to all that will help. Contribution link: https://paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5CU79EM5AQHUJ
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 08:31:44 +0000

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