We will not be shed of the tyranny of this current political - TopicsExpress


We will not be shed of the tyranny of this current political evolution by simply throwing out the old and installing the new. Especially in a democracy the government reflects the culture. We dont want our leaders to reflect the beliefs and behaviors of our society. We want our leaders to be better than we are. We want our leaders to be smarter than we are...more principled than we are. We want our leaders to legislate our troubles away...to fight our battles and destroy our enemies. We are wringing our hands and protesting the loss of prayer and scripture in our schools and public places while the vast majority of us do not pray or read our Bibles at home. The most of us celebrated Labor Day attending sales...cooking pork...kicking back while Labor Day is intended to be a reminder that the prosperity we enjoy was hard won by blue collar men and women who sweat and bled to make it so. Our nation will not be healed because some pseudo intellectual in Washington pressed an over priced pen against some confusing bit of legal jargon. Our nation will be healed when good men and women will again love the right and hate the wrong...will take the banners of our national honor out of the hands of the thieves and liars who have no respect for the history of a republic founded on faith. ISIS and like organizations have no respect for negotiations and statesmen. Terrorism is satanic. It is madness run amok. Governments and their armies have no answer for it. We are at a historic crossroads. Perhaps weve quoted it until it means nothing to us but Emund Burke looked into the maelstrom of just this kind of day...All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Dont let the elitists tell you that you cant make a difference. Tell the truth. Make a stand. Express an opinion. Love God. Keep the faith.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:04:28 +0000

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