We will rise from the ashes and script a comeback befitting our - TopicsExpress


We will rise from the ashes and script a comeback befitting our place in history, says NC president ‘Concerted attempt under process to change the demographic character of the State’ Srinagar 11 June: (GNS) National Conference Party President Dr. Farooq Abdullah has said that National Conference was not just another political party but a historic movement that had protected the dignity and identity of Kashmir by rendering innumerable sacrifices and scripting a story of valor, courage and struggle under the voice and command of Sher-e-Kashmir, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah. Speaking at a function to commemorate the death anniversaries of veteran NC leaders Late Mirza Mohammad Afzal Beg and Late Khwaja Ghulam Mohuiddin Shah at NC Headquarters in Srinagar, Dr. Farooq Abdullah said there was a concerted attempt under process to change the demographic character of the State. Dr. Farooq said that vested interests who have nurtured a longstanding desire to break the spine of Kashmiri Identity and Kashmiri Nationalism were coming together to wage a war against National Conference. They know that National Conference has given blood in the past to protect the interests of this State and that if there is anything that can foil their evil plans it is the staunch ideological roots of National Conference. We are the only hurdle in their path and that is why they have all come together to oppose NC, Dr. Farooq Abdullah said. Dr. Farooq Abdullah said the destiny of this State and that of its brave, resilient people was intertwined with the destiny of National Conference. We safeguarded the aspirations of our people when those who are shedding crocodile tears today were the biggest collaborators in the erosion of Article 370. Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah spent 24 years in prison when others were falling over each other to earn the spoils of treachery. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed was one among these opportunists when he was Sadiqs trusted lieutenant at a time when Sadiq sold the special status of J&K to New Delhi, Dr. Farooq Abdullah added. Addressing party workers, activists and office bearers at Nawa-e-Subah, Dr. Farooq Abdullah said that the slogan Jis Kashmir Ko Khoon Se Seencha Woh Kashmir Humara Hai embodies the history of National Conference and it is this slogan that National Conference will strive for till the last NC worker is standing to safeguard the dignity of our people. Those who think that one poll debacle will dampen our spirits should take a look at the pages of history. Our spirits were not dampened when they sent Sheikh Sahib to prison for 24 years. Our spirits were not dampened when they toppled democratically elected governments in J&K. Our spirits were not dampened when thousands of NC workers and hundreds of our leaders were killed in cold blood to weaken the voice of Kashmiri Nationalism. They would be foolish to think that our spirits are dampened now. We will rise from the ashes and script a comeback befitting our place in history and the role that we envision for our party in the future of this nation, Dr. Farooq Abdullah said.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 16:01:31 +0000

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