We won! The civic election is passed by and we have a new duly - TopicsExpress


We won! The civic election is passed by and we have a new duly elected Mayor. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mayor Bowman and pledge my support behind him to help create and build a better City for us all to enjoy and be proud of. Once again I would also like to thank Robert Oullette for stepping forward. I am sure you will be successful in any endeavor that you chose to take on in the future We have won this whole election process in a lot of ways. The number one main thing that we have accomplished is that we have significantly increased the number of Aboriginal People coming to the polls to vote. This show of political participation has no doubt caught the attention of various Civic, Provincial and Federal political parties across Canada. If we continue to vote in a bloc we will have the bargaining power with whoever comes to power. For example in four short years Mayor Bowman will no doubt be running for a second term in office and the beginning of our bloc vote, which to me is the tip of the ice-berg, will be very attractive to mayor Bowman or anyone else running for office in our City. I turn my attention now to the Provincial elections which will be upon us fast in 2016. The present ruling party the NDP has chosen to include two of our Aboriginal leaders the Honorable Eric Robinson and the Honorable Kevin Chief in their Cabinet. In Mr. Roninson’s case, not only has he been included in Cabinet but has been elevated to the office of Deputy Premier of our Province. This inclusion of two local Aboriginal leaders in Cabinet speaks loudly of the fact that the NDP of Manitoba have set a precedence for all the other Provinces in Canada to try to follow on the Aboriginal files of every Provincial government across the Country. The Provincial NDP party is facing unprecedented crises at the present time and I for one fully agree that any leader when falling into hard times deserves the full support of his or her inside people. I am so pleased that our two leaders Eric Robinson and Kevin Chief have chosen to stand behind their leader in good times and in bad. This speaks highly of the integrity of these two Aboriginal Cabinet Ministers. It is one of those days when I am so proud to be a Neechi. Loyalty is a word and a concept that goes missing in today’s World too often. Loyalty has the power to stand up to the hardest winds of controversy. Nothing can up-root a functioning body that has Loyalty. I as a leader in the Aboriginal music World stand strongly behind our two loyal Aboriginal leaders Eric Robinson and Kevin Chief who stand strongly behind their leader Premier Greg Selinger, right or wrong. There is no wrong in loyalty. When you see it… it shines brightly like a beacon. Let us now again prepare ourselves to vote in the next Provincial election. I look forward to the next two years and observing Premier Greg Selinger re-building and re-enforcing his cabinet with the loyalty that he has discovered through this mayhem of mutiny. I love survivors as I am a survivor of addictions and genocide. Mr. Selinger together with his loyal remaining cabinet and the newly appointed Ministers, who will no doubt appreciate the opportunity to serve Manitobans, will rebound and come up the winner of this fiasco of disloyalty. With him will be two strong Aboriginal people who understand the respect and dignity of loyalty and are made better people by it. I personally enjoy the feeling of my own loyalty to our respected leaders Eric Robinson and Kevin Chief as well as all the other Aboriginal leaders across the Nations. There is strength and power in loyalty. We will re-group and be ready to support our own in the up-coming Provincial elections (2016). Errol Ranville
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 21:20:01 +0000

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