We work with many clients who suffer with mental health - TopicsExpress


We work with many clients who suffer with mental health difficulties, which, when combined with homelessness or domestic violence, can be exacerbated and be very difficult to treat: Read Marias story to find out the difference that Llamau makes to vulnerable peoples lives: When I first arrived at the refuge, I was feeling very anxious and finding it hard to sleep. I had been both physically and emotionally abused by my partner. I didn’t trust anyone, and I felt so guilty and ashamed. I couldn’t share my feelings with anyone, I just kept crying and crying. My support worker, Wendy, told me that Llamau had Specialist Mental Health workers who could come to the refuge to help me. She explained that I could talk to them about how I was feeling and that they could help me. I was very reluctant to talk to anyone else about how I was feeling, it was all so overwhelming, but I knew deep down that I needed help. I agreed to meet them. The night before was difficult as I was worrying about the visit and unsure of how it would go. I kept thinking that I wouldnt know where to begin, I didnt think I’d be able to speak at all. When Mary, arrived, I realised that I neednt have been so scared. She was friendly and welcoming, and I instantly felt at ease. She explained her role and the types of things that she would be able to help me with. She said that there was no pressure to discuss everything; that we could take it at my own pace. Much to my surprise, I ended up telling her a lot about my past and the abuse that I’d experienced. She asked me about my feelings and what was worrying me the most. When I told her how I was feeling, Mary explained that I was experiencing some symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Rather than feeling scared by this, I actually felt relieved. There was something going on that had a name and it all made sense. Over the next few visits, Mary helped me learn to cope with my feelings and gave me PTSD self-help workbook for me to look at when I had some time to myself. She taught me some breathing and relaxation techniques and asked me to practice these regularly. As well as helping me cope with my anger, guilt and shame about what had happened to me, Mary also helped me realise my strengths (I didn’t think that I had any) and she helped me treasure good memories, both old and new and things that make me happy. I made a memory box that I started to put photos; images of animals; post-its with good memories, things that I achieved each day and anything that made me feel positive. I also used some of the exercises from the PTSD workbook to help me. Once the visits were over, Wendy continued to work with me around all of this and encouraged me to continue building on my coping strategies. I began to notice that I felt better able to cope and manage with what I was feeling. The journey that Mary was able to start with me has changed my life. I’ve began thinking about the future in a good way whereas before these visits, there was nothing I could look forward to. Maria
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:07:06 +0000

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