We would like to offer enormous thanks to The Hut People - TopicsExpress


We would like to offer enormous thanks to The Hut People @thehutpeople for helping us deal with our nightmare yesterday. As a band we are pretty neurotic about our travelling times, always leaving plenty of time for getting to gigs in case of hold ups etc. However, you cannot legislate for not one, but two motorway closures in one day! On our way to Bunkfest yesterday the M6 was closed just above the point at which we usually rendezvous to travel down together, leaving us to scatter to look for alternative routes with some of us literally stuck on the motorway. Even then, more misery was to follow as the M6 was blocked a second time where the M6 and M6 toll separate, leaving people stuck in a further jam with no alternative but breathe slowly, deeply and hope that the services would arrive before the bladders gave out! The van with the gear and a couple of band members in made it in plenty of time as it had set off even earlier but as both our soundcheck and stage time approached it was touch and go as to whether some members could make it. This is why we have to give thanks to The Hut People. Having heard of the situation, they readily agreed to swap playing slots with us so that we could go on later and avoid potential catastrophe. While this might seem like a small thing, we assure you it is not. There are many people who would not alter their stage time so readily (if at all), especially given that there was the chance of a larger audience at the later slot. To us it says a lot about the Hut People (Sam and Gary) as people and the confidence they feel in what they do that and where they are as a band, that they would do this for us. We hope to find a way to repay the favour at some point in the future. In the meantime, if you dont already know The Hut People then take a little time to have a look for them on the web or on Facebook - and if you are at one of their gigs, just buy them a drink and tell them Merry Hell sent it thehutpeople.co.uk/ Oh, and Bunkfest was great once we all got there! Thanks to all who came.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:14:20 +0000

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