We would like to take a minute to say thank you for all the - TopicsExpress


We would like to take a minute to say thank you for all the prayers, calls, visits, etc over the past few days with Dad. It’s definitely been a whirlwind week! To help clear up some confusions on what has been going on this week, we thought we would post something on Facebook so everyone is clear. Dad fell while on the ski trip in February pretty hard and hit his head. He had no signs of injury (headache, busted head, anything). A couple of weeks ago he woke up with a headache for a couple of hours. He started experiencing some minor to moderate symptoms of weakness to the left side. When we say that we mean, feeling like his leg weighed 1,000 lbs, trouble with depth perception when putting things on the counter, dropping things with his left hand. However, they were noticeable enough that we encouraged him to go to the doctor. On Monday, the doctor ordered a CT scan for Tuesday afternoon. At this point, and through this whole ordeal, Dad’s mind has been completely intact. NEVER has his mental state been compromised, only his motor skills on his left side. While in the CT scan, they found that the right side of his head had a bleed that was about 5 mm in size. He got transferred by ambulance to Norfolk General to under go surgery. Wednesday they did the surgery and by then the fluid had built to the point that his brain had shifted 7 mm. They drilled 2 bur holes into his skull to relieve the pressure. Once the fluid was drained, ALL previous symptoms have disappeared. It is the surgeon’s opinion that the initial trauma to his head came from the ski trip fall. There was most likely some small amount of seepage from that trauma, and then a couple of weeks ago something occurred (ex a small bump to the head or even a coughing spell) that caused the seepage to intensify. As the fluid built, the brain was being squished. The more the brain was being squished the more fluid built. Thursday morning a follow up CT scan was done and we could clearly see that the surgery was a complete success and his brain had almost totally realigned to where it was supposed to be. Another CT scan will be done tomorrow morning, and hopefully he will be coming on home. Again, now that his pressure has been relieved he will have a 100% recovery. Just need to let the staples in his head come out and the bur holes to heal! Thank you again. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful support group of family and friends. Nancy, Jamie, Amanda, Dallas, & Zoe
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 17:50:22 +0000

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