We would like to thank our many new followers and those that have - TopicsExpress


We would like to thank our many new followers and those that have continued to support our cause to raise awareness. Please continue to share our page to educate others on Turner Syndrome.....I wanted to take a moment to give an explanation to what Turner Syndrome is for our new followers: The presence of the Syndrome, a random chromosomal disorder affecting only women and over two million of them, should be detected during a girls first few years if not at birth. A variety of signs, including short stature and frequent ear infections, should automatically signal the need for diagnostic testing to rule out the disorder or initiate medical treatment, which is especially effective if started early. These signs are often missed, however, even though the Syndrome is neither rare nor difficult to suspect. The Syndrome could trigger numerous physical, cognitive, emotional and social complications; most common health problems involve kidneys, heart, thyroid, diabetes, hearing, osteoperosis, infertility, serious pregnancy complications (for those undergoing in-vitro fertilization), and weaknesses in visuo-spatial and executive function abilities. Early intervention has been proven to produce long-term positive outcomes. (this was taken from the TSF page) The last sentence is the reason we work tirelessly to raise awareness for Turner Syndrome with all of your help......
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 15:39:54 +0000

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