We writers have an array of devices for procrastination. Some of - TopicsExpress


We writers have an array of devices for procrastination. Some of the more civilized of us talk with friends on the phone or answer fan email or knit or mop the kitchen floor. Others might garden or read or scheme to produce a classy work like The Fault in our Stars or The Giver, that Hollywood could fall in love with. Personally I procrastinate by giving myself permission to go to the “comments” section of a random AOL news story to prove to myself that evolution works really slow, and to get snarky with someone in hopes he or she will get snarky back. For those who feel the need to comment that the following is mean spirited and immature on my part, let me assure you…it’s mean spirited and immature. When I Should Have Been Writing… JoJo58 (in response to the previous (unkind) post asserting that George W. Bush should let his grandchild call him “dumbass.” : LOL … Compared to obama, Bush looks like Einstein. CC: If Bush looks like Einstein to you then Hitler must look like Abraham Lincoln. JoJo58: LOL obviously youre part of the low information crowd. Enjoy the kool aid CC: What a witty retort!!! As long as were doing comparisons, our low information crowd is stratospheric to your no information crowd. (Stratospheric means high.) JoJo58: Im impressed that you know such a big word considering that a recent Yale study proved that conservatives have a far better grasp of science than liberals. You just keep on contemplating your navel. CC: I read that survey. Being an alum, W. actually created the question: Uh, are us guys smarter than them guys? Thats the kind of poll that turns out in your favor. It keeps you from having to know any, like REAL science. JoJo58: LOL well, now that youve admitted being an alum of Yale, that explains a lot. It was a Yale professor who conducted the study and he fully expected opposite results. Guess you can only live in a bubble so long before reality sets in. But, you keep toeing the party line...the party with NO ideas and very bad ideas. CC: JoJo, you need to learn to read. W. is the Yale alum, not me. And when the Fox NewsNot tells you of a Yale study, you need to make sure it didnt come from the Yale padlock company. JoJo58: I dont watch Fox News. Sooooo typical. You cant make an argument without bringing up Bush, or Fox news. Amazing. Six years and youre still bringing up Bush. How about obama not knowing something as simple as there being 50 states? But, this Yale study article was even in the leftist rag politico, amongst many, many others. I may have overlooked a letter, but you seem to have missed reading hundreds of articles. CC: If you dont watch Fox NewsNot, your puppeteer does. And JoJo, I can argue all day without bringing up Bush, but THIS discussion STARTED in response to fluff piece about the man you call Einstein. If youll scroll up youll see I could make a case that you cant have it without bringing up Obama, whose name you used to fire your first salvo. I believe this discussion could include something about pots and kettles. Id mention the color that goes with that, but that would undoubtedly bring from you another absurd Obama observation. I mean, WHO doesnt know there are fifty states? You guys think Hawaii is in Kenya. So neener neener, poopy butt. My mommy says I have to stop playing with my friends on the computer now so I can go do my homework. Otherwise I might be held back for another year in fourth grade.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 00:31:27 +0000

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