Weakening Suffering and Attaining New States of Consciousness - TopicsExpress


Weakening Suffering and Attaining New States of Consciousness through Understanding and Practicing Karma Yoga Yoga and Buddhism through their various teachings and disciplines wish us to attain a new state of mind, consciousness and being. This new state can be described in an easy to appreciate two - fold manner as one that is free from the unskillful, unwholesome and unhealthy and one the consists of the skillful, wholesome and healthy. What are some of the things that make up an unskillful, unwholesome and unhealthy state? These are things such as fear, anxiety, greed, ill – will, anger, restlessness, worry, doubt and mental and physical laziness. None of these things result in a joyful life and in many cases can lead to a life that lacks direction and focus. Such a person who is dominated by these states may experience a sense of being lost or even suffer from depression. They may also be individuals who are only happy when their senses are stimulated in an enjoyable manner or experience pleasure. Unfortunately such an approach to life can result in obsessions and addictions. The skillful, wholesome and healthy states are ones marked by mindfulness, calmness, balance and focus. These states lead to wisdom, peace and joy in living. With them comes a sense of acceptance, understanding and contentment, seeing that meaning in life can be attained through simplicity and a respectful and compassionate connection to others. This connection does not have to be something that results in a monetary or sensual profit, but one that is based on the fact that we all share the common experience of life and what it brings our way. A moment’s patience and compassion to others can make or break both our and their day, and perhaps life also. What this all implies is that our action in both the moment and minute at hand and throughout our day and life is something that can be built outside the parameters of our own life and anxieties and directed in a way that assists others. We do not have to be a doctor or do volunteer work with Oxfam or the Peace Corps, or work in areas of the world where death and deprivation are an ongoing event. We can do it in the everyday experiences that our life brings our way, be it at work, at home with our family and friends or among our social circle and acquaintances. Perhaps it manifestation among those who we do not know, strangers, is most important. This is referred to as Karma and in the Yoga framework of teachings, is known as Karma Yoga. In Karma Yoga, we give of ourselves unselfishly primarily for the good of others and the community as a whole. In being such a way, we weaken and alleviate states of mind, consciousness and being within ourselves that are marked by selfishness, feelings of self – pity and being unfairly victimized or just an excessive desire for ego – gratification and pleasure. We learn to see others as being people, perfect and imperfect humans like ourselves, instead of individuals to fear, trust, and conspire against. This is the change that practicing Karma Yoga brings about and it is worth working to and makes up a major part of our practice of Yoga or Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. ©2006 John C. Kimbrough (Bangkok, Thailand)
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 12:34:30 +0000

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