Wealth of consciousness will express itself in wealth of - TopicsExpress


Wealth of consciousness will express itself in wealth of manifestation. All true action is governed by law. Nothing just happens. There are no miracles. There is no such thing as luck. Nothing comes by chance. All happenings are the result of cause and can be explained under the law of cause and effect. This is a teaching that appeals to the innate logic of our mind, yet we sometimes feel like doubting it when we see things happen that have no apparent cause. These happenings that seem miraculous are controlled by laws that we have not yet learned and result from causes that we have not been able to understand. We do not according to the Law but only to our knowledge of the law, and that is why we must seek to learn more of Laws that govern the universe. God is law and God is changeless. God has ordained the law but does not compel us to follow it. We have free will, and the manner of our doing is left entirely to us. When we know the law and work with it, we are rewarded by its protection and use it to our good. We cannot be very happy if we are poor, and nobody needs to be poor. I consider it a sin to be poor. You may ask whether Jesus cited any example of poverty’s being a sin? Yes! You will find it in the story of the prodigal son. Jesus was teaching the sin of lack and how to gain plenty. It is a wonderful lesson in prosperity. It shows us that people who are dissipating their substance in senseless ways are the sinners and eventually fall into a consciousness of lack. It also proves that they may become in line with the law and prosperous again by returning to the consciousness of the Father-Mind, then health and prosperity will naturally manifest. Success leads to success. “whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have abundance” Matthew 13:12 Man shall have what he earns, that industry, effort, and ability be rewarded and laziness discouraged. The law is that we get what we want and work for, and all experience and history have proved it. Jesus stressed the idea that God has made abundant provision for all His children, All of US. But you must have the Faith in knowing that this all providing universe of good is set by your continuity of imagination in forming the things you desire. If you are persistent in working this idea in your conscious mind, it will eventually drop down into your subconscious mind and continue to work there where things take form and become manifest. You will become more prosperous and successful so gradually, simply, and naturally that you will not realize that it derives from a divine source and in answer to your prayers. Realize that whatever we put as seed into the subconscious soil will eventually bring forth after its kind and we must exercise the greatest caution so that we do not think or talk about insufficiency or allow others to talk to us about it. As we sow in mind so shall we reap in manifestation. When you work in harmony with this universal law, every needed thing is abundantly supplied. Think prosperity, talk prosperity, not in general but in specific terms, not as something for the other fellow but as your very own right. Then give thanks for plenty in all your affairs, knowing for a certainty that your good is now being fulfilled in Spirit, in mind, and in manifestation.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 20:21:47 +0000

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