Weapon Press December 2014 newsletter-Failure is Acceptable, Dont - TopicsExpress


Weapon Press December 2014 newsletter-Failure is Acceptable, Dont Give Up-Part 3? This was supposed to be part 2 to October’s newsletter-but I’ll write that for next month. This does relate to the topic on never giving up which I think is a good thing to share with 2014 almost gone. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions anymore or set lofty goals for the New Year. I do make plans, but I know they can change…This year I had planned to finish the web comic The United and the graphic novel series Allegories of the Way. I did both, but I finished Allegories much quicker than I planned to. I thought my family and I were moving mid year, so I rushed to finish Allegories, because I knew it would be difficult to work on it with a new move. Well, we didnt move, Allegories was completed, but I did give up on exercising as often and being healthier, which wasnt good. However, I’m catching back up with my healthy routines. Now I also didnt plan to start or finish Jesus Translated: Steampunked this year, but certain things at my job allowed me to free up time to work and finish the book. Also it’s a short comic book with a linear, quick style and I limited my time on coloring each page. I’m thankful it’s done. I am thankful also this year for God encouraging me and leading me to pursue him and pursue wisdom in my life. And that is what I would like to share some about before this year ends. Proverbs 24:14-Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. WOW!!! AMAZING! Well, maybe that doesnt mean much to you yet, but when I read that a while ago it blew my mind! You see, the Holy Spirit will help you and quicken in you the cross references of scriptures. The somewhat well known Proverb 13:12- Hope deferred makes the heart sick…means you hope for something and it doesnt happen it can devastate you, depress you, disillusion you. We all have been there in one way or another in our lives. I remember before I read Proverbs 24:14, a friend was struggling with following his dream in art. The friend had done a number of things for years, but it just wasn’t working out. It seemed hopeless. And I know just with doing independent comic books it can be hard trying to “make” it. You will want to give up if you don’t reach a certain amount of success. I wanted to encourage this friend, but I really didn’t know what to say until I read Proverbs 24:14. It all made sense to never, ever give up on any dream and how not to. The answer is always God and the wisdom he freely gives. This is how you can connect the dots… Proverbs 24:14-. Proverbs 24:14-Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 13:12-Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. James 1:5-6-If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. This is what those scriptures mean to me and what I felt called to tell my friend: Have you exhausted every possible way to reach your dream? Proverbs 24:14 says if you find wisdom, your HOPE WILL NOT BE CUT OFF. You can say, well that just means your salvation and eternal life. And I would say to you “Don’t limit God. He cares about your dreams and feelings.” Then in James 1:5 it says if you lack wisdom ask God and he will give it to you generously! So I say this again: Have you exhausted every possible way to reach your dream? Of course not, because God’s wisdom is infinite and beyond our meager understanding. God will reveal things to you that you would never imagine to do or know how to do, but he will show you, if you ask and really BELIEVE. Finish reading the James verse and it saves you have to believe without doubting. To sum it up, you don’t have to ever be discouraged or depressed when pursuing your dream because you can ask God for WISDOM that gives you HOPE that will NOT BE CUT OFF! AMAZING! Of course, the disclaimer is you have to had confess Jesus is Lord and have a relationship with God first. Read Proverbs for more insight about wisdom. So that is my New Year’s “pep talk” to you. Hope it encourages you for the upcoming year. It definitely encouraged me. Exciting things are planned for Weapon Press in 2015; another comic in the Jesus Steampunk series and the dark parody, superhero comic premiering. Stay tuned! God bless! weaponpress -Melchizedek Todd
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 02:12:27 +0000

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