Website or Blog - What’s The Difference | careerfh - TopicsExpress


Website or Blog - What’s The Difference | careerfh Should you choose website or blog for your online presence? Ill give you some comparable analogies to make it easier for you to understand the difference. Hey, good day folks, I’m André Givogue, your friendly host here for CareerFH! Should I go for a website or blog? I remember when I was new to the internet, back then, there was only the website option. It was a lot more complicated to try to get your website up and running as you had to be very familiar with domains, hosting, server access, FTP, HTML, either Front Page or Dreamweaver. Everything was done manually and quite clunky to say the least. Over time, web 2.0 came along and thats when blog platforms and content manage software came along. Check out my post about free blog sites for more information. A website is static, its more permanent and its more of a one way street communication from the publisher to his audience. Whereas a blog is more dynamic, its more of a two way street interaction between the publisher and his audience and the audience with the rest of the audience. An analogy would be like a website is comparable to a drive-through only restaurant but a blog is like a chip wagon that can go to any events or wherever the crowds are. Websites have pages or web pages and blogs have posts. So whats the big difference? If we compare a page with a post, here are some distinctions: pages are usually part of the main site structure on a permanent level, meaning they are not dated or time stamped like posts are. Again with our restaurant analogy, a page could be compared to a street sign advertising the restaurants name or the big sign on the building promoting the restaurants name, the letter decals on the doors with the business hours. On a webpage that could translate into an About Us page, a Contact Us page, Mission Statement page, Product pages, etc. A blog post on the other hand could be compared to a daily, weekly or monthly menu. It could also be compared to flyers, a newsletter, a journal, magazine, etc. Posts are time stamped and can easily be shared through RSS to appear on other websites. Just like a magazine, you always need to be publishing new content on a regular basis. Heres another good example, youve heard of Facebook or Twitter, well, a webpage is like your profile, its there, you fill it out once and its there pretty much all the time whereas a posts, is like a status update that can be shared with anybody who likes it and that is updated on a regular basis. The beauty of the post is that you have all the benefits of fully customizing it with text, media, videos basically anything similar to a webpage but with the added bonus of filing them in categories, inserting name tags, ordering them by date, etc. Should you go for website or blog? Well, I think today a combination of both is really important. Having both, a blog integrated to your website, is like having a fine dining restaurant mixed with a lounge that people can come in, meet new people and join each other in conversation. All that while having a version of your restaurant on wheels to attend events. As a website blog owner, youre in charge of creating the environment and the atmosphere where it will attract like minded individuals. What about you, will you go for a website or blog? Share your thoughts and comments down below and thanks for watching this episode CareerFH – Start Your Career From Home Today! If you want more tips and tricks on starting your own Career From Home then come visit our blog at careerfh. There you’ll find more in-depth videos and information to get you started and off the ground. If you got value out of this video, show us your appreciation by clicking on the like button, share it with your friends and family and to get more videos like these make sure you subscribe. Like always; have an awesome day, cheers everybody! Click on the link below to see more information _________________ Main Site careerfh Facebook Page
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:53:54 +0000

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