Websters version of Grace - beauty or charm of form, composition, - TopicsExpress


Websters version of Grace - beauty or charm of form, composition, movement, or expression, an attractive quality. It goes on and on. But number 7. A period of time granted beyond the date set for the performance of an act or payment of an obligation. Not till it gets to the 11th version of a definition does it speak a quick definition with God. The unmerited love and favor of God toward mankind. HMMMMM.....No wonder we never really learn what the Grace of God is unless we go to church and hear about it. How are we saved?? By his Grace How do we receive it??? ASK HIM How does it effect us everyday?? Face it, we are all sinners. Trust me, I was way worse at a point. But with Gods grace and you following his word, sin is not your master, and even when we slip, his Grace covers us. Romans 6:14 sin is no longer your master..........you live under Gods grace. Here is that thing the Holy Spirit again. It gives you a desire whn it fills you to WANT to please God. We would never make it in this world without Gods Grace!! If you ever have it you never want to lose it. It is that good!! Psalm 84:11 The Lord God gives us Grace and Glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. Psalm 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to anger and filled with unfailing Love.... (lucky for us) Ephesians 2:8-9 NET For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so that no one can boast. You just gotta Love God for everything he is!!! Lord Jesus, Thank you for another day with breath in our lungs and you in our hearts. Lord we thank you so much for the Grace you pour over us. Without you we are nothing. Lord thank you for my mother and father that showed me the path to you. Lord thank you for giving them the strength to show your love and power in never giving up on me. Thank you Lord for my salvation and for your forgiveness. Thank you for every blessing I have in my life, especially all of my children. Thank you Lord for my life, my family and my friends. You know just who to place where. Lord we pray for all of our friends and families. Lord we all have some that are lost and in dark places in their lives. Lord let them feel your hand touching them today. Lord convict their spirits and show them your Grace and love. Lord we lift up the sick and weary and the recovering. Lord we know your hand is on them and you are working. Praise be to you!! Lord God bless this day. Be our guide and let others see you shining in us. Lord watch over our children as that are at school. Bless their teachers this morning. Keep them safe Lord. Fill our hearts, souls minds with your Holy Spirit!! It is in your name we ask and pray these things...
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:07:43 +0000

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