Wednesday 10th September 2014 Hi Friends, All the messages - TopicsExpress


Wednesday 10th September 2014 Hi Friends, All the messages from the cards are typed out, ready for you. Each card is listed below (please keep reading). Please read from the first card you chose to the last card you chose, This is your full card reading. Light and Love........Margit x margitborbas BONUS MESSAGE: Take it easy this week, life might offer you a few surprises at just how much is going on. If you’ve started a new project you might find it takes longer than you first thought and if you’ve started studying or training you’ll find it full on and take up much more time than you first thought. Don’t worry, it won’t last forever it’s only for a short while and you’ll soon find yourself with time again. Spirit is guiding you to take a moment and look at where you are prioritising your time. Are you spending too much time over thinking sand not trusting yourself to be confident? Let go of worry and relax into what you’re doing or learning. You’ll be fine and you’ll accomplish more than you realise. Enjoy this week, you’re growing and expanding in self consciousness and it’s a blessing in disguise. CARD #1 – SIX OF CUPS – You may find you get lost in some deep thoughts this week. Are you where you want to be? Do you long to feel loved? Are you missing the love of someone special? What are your true feelings about love, do you want to stay single, do you want to be married or are you unsure of what you want? Mystical energy will surround you so don’t be surprised if you dream more than usual and remember cryptic images and messages. It’s a good time to consult with someone who can shine a light on your future, or throw down a spread of the tarot for whatever form you prefer; you’re discovering your true emotions. Don’t describe yourself as lost, it’s not that type of energy for it’s more of a crossroads and becoming aware you’re in preparation to make a decision. If you’ve been let down you’ll realise it might be a saving grace because it could lead you to new horizons. This is a time that you’ll wonder at life, where do you want to be and ponder choices. If you’re reminiscing you’ll find this time very moving, very emotional so don’t stay too long in a place of sentimental memories for you may find you get bogged down. Lift your head and feel the breeze upon your face that brings fresh new scents of new beginnings as you learn to know what you really desire. You’re getting ready to make big emotional decisions. CARD #2 – THE HANGED MAN – This week you might feel that life is a bit futile or feel powerless to make things happen the way you’d like. A stubborn partner could resist your efforts to move forward to make changes or take actions. You might feel stumped as if time is standing still and you’re a little trapped. It can also mean your mindset is in a holding pattern and frustrated thoughts will stay. Don’t worry, once in a while everyone has to have a week filled with ‘nothingness’ because it helps you to know exactly what you want from knowing what you don’t want. Any flat feelings especially if you’re sick or unwell won’t last because the following week you’ll feel much better. If you’re recovering from an operation, or an accident this is the time to make sure you’re coaching yourself into a ‘can do’ attitude to speed up your recovery. Isolation, loneliness or feeling alone can creep into your mind so relax and drift away into stories in movies and on TV, this is a good time for dream building and re-investing positive thoughts in your mind. This frustrating time will pass. CARD #3 – SEVEN OF SWORDS – Are you carrying a burden? Is the weight of the world on your shoulders? If you have not taken time this week to rest, relax and shake off a whole pile of worry or anxiety you may find the week ahead a tough one where it feels there’s a mountain of pressure weighing you down. You’ll need time to rest, time for more sleep and time to reflect on what you’re going to do. Life can be tough and especially if you are carrying unnecessary worry or stress of unsolved problems. Sometimes too much thinking can cause ‘paralysis of analysis’ and taking time of chill out and unwind allows you objectivity to see things in a different light. A time of reflection is good as long as you’re not carrying other people’s burdens and responsibilities. Is it time to let go of some things that aren’t yours to carry? Do you need to ask for help or simply ask your partner to step and do their bit? Whatever it is that is weighing you down, this week is a time to ponder and reflect on whether you’re doing it the right way or if there is a better way of problem solving. Not everything is a bad as it seems when we take a new objective look, and realise maybe we had tunnel vision and saw only what we thought we were seeing? Need new glasses? CARD #4 – THE STAR – Visualise what you want, your ideal outcome, the final visions of where you want to be, how you want to live, the love you want, the friendships, and all the health, wealth and happiness you can have. This week the Universe needs to know what you want, and it needs to be clear. This card is reminding you that the three steps to manifesting your dreams are 1. Be clear about what you want 2. Ask for what you want in a state of expectation, and 3. Step back and allow the universe to deliver and feel relief. When you are in a state of expectation and relief, you believe, you have faith and can get on your merry way through daily life knowing with a sense of certainty that what you want is going to be delivered. Self correct each day whenever you fall into doubt or worry, and remind yourself that you don’t control delivery, that’s the job of the Universe. This week you receive some good news because you’ve kept up the faith and expectation all along. You deserve it goodness. CARD #5 - TEN OF WANDS – No one has to tempt you to doubt yourself because this week you’re going to do a good job of that yourself. Your intuition will be running at full speed but you may not necessarily trust it. Your heart and soul will be guiding you in a certain direction but you’ll doubt it and probably even over analyse it. You’ll know one thing yet hear something else and that will set up a series of questions and doubts about your belief, your faith or even your understanding of why you do things the way you do. Even in goal setting, planning or dream building you might find you’re indecisive, muddled or just plain confused. Finding your way forward to the next step will be frustrating and confusing in some way and you’ll start doubting you know what to do. A good night’s sleep will solve the problem but you’ll have to be prepared to let the week go by before you feel you’re back on top feeling confident again. Don’t worry, everyone sometimes feels like they’re taking two steps forward and one step back, it won’t last long. CARD #6 – PAGE OF SWORDS – Is the future calling you? This card shows travel, house move, career movement and suggests that you are on a path to a new destination. This can also mean you’re thinking in a different way, that your ideals and beliefs are refreshed and renewed and you might feel a new lease on life. Whatever you wish to happen, whatever path you wish to travel upon, this card shows that the Universe is supporting you and all you have to do is keep the faith, walk with perseverance and good intentions and you’ll get where you need or want to go. The picture on the card shows a page, someone stepping out on a new beginning, one in search of truth and ready for a journey. He breathes out like a puff of smoke which shows as clouds that support his travel. The universe is guiding you and your family and friends in spirit are around you and working with you to assist you. It is not a hard journey, it is unfamiliar and unknown in some ways, but it is also flowing and you will flow along if you allow yourself. Go with it, allow the days of the weeks to open and show you new doors opening because there is a clear way ahead. Some people may tell you that it’s too high a dream to journey, or the path may be a hard one. Keep your faith and enjoy this time. The week ahead will show you that it’s not just hard work that will get you rewards; it’s also keeping the clear vision of where you’re wanting to go and never losing sight of what’s important to you. CARD #7 – STRENGTH – It takes courage to walk the talk and take those first few steps forward towards your dreams. If you’ve hidden your dream deep within your soul and not told anyone of what you really want then you’ll find that you can no longer resist forging ahead and you’ll need to muster up all your courage for this. People, places, things, events, circumstances and situations will require you to be your true self. And in being and acting your authentic self you need to know yourself, like yourself and have the strength of commitment for yourself. No one else is going to hold your hand because you’re meant to do it for yourself and be your own rock of strength. Take heart knowing that every single person who has accomplished greatness was once concerned about the path to undertake yet they knew they had to take the initial first step which led to the next step and the next step and so on. Go on, you can walk your talk, chase your dreams and take on the challenges that will help you reach your goals. What are you waiting for? CARD #8 – TWO OF SWORDS – If you have chosen this card there’s a good chance you need to settle on a decision otherwise you’ll be troubled and feel a little stressed. Some days you’ll feel like you’re coming and going and your mind will be full of matters that need your attention. This card is showing that you could also feel torn between ‘feelings’ and what you think are ‘realities’ and you’ll be unsure what to focus on. Feelings will tell you what you ought to do and realities will tell you what you think you should do. Neither will be right all the time and you’ll have to listen to your intuition and gut feeling to help you get through the week, which of course guides by your ‘feeling good’ feelings. Don’t lose sight of the big picture because this week’s little drama’s might make you think you’re taking two steps forward and one step back. Your best affirmation this week is “Every day in every way miraculous solutions appear”. Make sure you get plenty of rest, you’ll need it. Card #9 – THREE OF WANDS – If you have chosen this card life will show a lesson in being humble. Everyone makes mistakes, to err is human. It is your intuition and internal spirit that will guide you to be generous by viewing someone for who they really and not judging them superficially. It could be easy to get cross and annoyed but you will learn so much about your own wisdom if you stop and take breath before judging. Some people come across as being silly, awkward, or even more knowledgeable or wiser, but it’s not always necessarily this way. If a partner, friend, in-law, boss or associate has portrayed themselves in a certain light, then the week ahead will show a situation where that illusion is blasted out of the water for you to see them clearly. You might just be surprised at the real side they show that may have been hidden inside. The king offers his crown in appreciation of the page that is wise and helpful. Have you been underestimating your own abilities and playing ‘safe’ by not living or working authentically? It could be time for you to shine your light! Light and Love.....Margit x
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 11:35:00 +0000

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