Wednesday 14th August | DIVINE AUTHORITY “Yea, though I walk - TopicsExpress


Wednesday 14th August | DIVINE AUTHORITY “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”.(Psalms 23 vs 4). That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional Today. It is instructive to observe that the Psalmist did not only make reference to the rod of the Shepherd; he also mentioned the staff of the Shepherd as well. David declared, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Like we earlier observed, the rod of the Shepherd is a weapon used in attacking predators; the Shepherd’s staff however is symbolic of authority. The Shepherd’s staff signifies that the Shepherd has authority over the Sheep. The Staff is the Shepherd’s tool of control over the Sheep. So, when the issue of defending the Sheep arises, the Shepherd rises to the occasion because he already has authority over the Sheep. When the Sheep is in danger, the Shepherd comes to the rescue as a direct consequence of his ownership of the sheep. That means, a Shepherd does not necessarily go about defending Sheep that do not belong to Him; he defends his own sheep. He defends the Sheep that are under his authority. Friend, hear this: Just like a Shepherd defends the Sheep under his authority, God will defend you if you live under His authority. The question now is, “Does God have authority (control) over your life?”. Can the gentle whisper of the Spirit stop you if you want to go your way? Can God interrupt your plans? Do you trust his words wholeheartedly to live by them? Have you learnt to submit your wishes, ambitions, thoughts, emotions, actions and inactions under God’s authority and let Him control you. When God is fully in charge of your life; It becomes a lifestyle for you to enjoy Divine defense and immunity! Pray with me, “Lord, I submit to your authority”. Follow on Twitter @jerrystreams Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 07:49:27 +0000

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