Wednesday, 16 July 2014 One Day, You Will Understand Children - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, 16 July 2014 One Day, You Will Understand Children of My Divine Heart, Rejoice. I stand before you in glory. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender in all confidence. Give Me permission to transform you into vessels most pure. Beloved, you must change. Be clothed in righteousness. Arm yourselves with rosaries, and pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray for change. Pray for peace. Pray for My divine will to be done in the hearts of men. My own children refuse Me. They seek the pleasures of the flesh instead of the spiritual gifts I offer them. They fail to understand My ways. Millions refuse to abandon the ways of the world. They live for honors, for riches, for pleasures that are brief, and incomplete. Beloved, I offer you an eternity of bliss. I offer you joy beyond imagination. I offer you My love, an everlasting love, one which is perfect. Yet you err. You reject My love. I respect your free will more than ever, but I also know what you are giving up. This pains Me. One day, you will be made to understand the magnitude of your wrongdoings. One day, you will understand just how much you have offended Me. Pray that My mercy will find you on that day. Pray for My sanctifying grace to pull you from your indifference soon, and before it is too late. I desire to have you with Me in Paradise. I leave you My kiss of peace, and still hope in you. Shalom Tuesday, 15 July 2014 Do Not Place Your Soul In Jeopardy Children of My Divine Heart, I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Draw near to Me. I desire to abide in you. Open your hearts to Me now. Surrender. Give Me permission to transfigure you in love. My Little Ones, you must uproot all sin from your hearts, and lives. Break free from Satans chains. Walk blameless before My sight. Do not refuse Me. Convert, Beloved. Repent of your wrongdoings. Make reparations. Do not postpone your conversions. Time is of the essence. Satan has dispatched legions upon the Earth. Do not place your soul in jeopardy. Be pure. Live to please only Me. Seek out My consecrated Sons, and be right with Me. Prepare a good confession. Ask for the grace of repentance. Ask, and I will bless you once more. Repent, and accept My corrections. Walk in holiness. Do not gamble with your eternal destination. Strive for holiness, and obey My commandments. Obey Me not out of fear, but out of love. Obedience will draw you near to Me. You would do well to remember this. Obey Me in all things, and expect miracles in your lives. I bless you now. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Monday, 14 July 2014 Let Purity Be Your Crown Children of My Divine Heart, I rejoice in you. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am that I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender in all confidence. Do not doubt My love for you. Do not doubt Me. Give Me permission to work in you. So much remains to be done. I desire you to grow in holiness, and to walk blameless in My sight. I desire that you lead many back to the fold by your actions, your words, your silence. Be mine. Gift Me with your heart this day. Accept My invitation to serve. Serve in all humility, and place your trust in Me. I will instruct you, and teach you all that you must know. I will speak to your heart, when you allow it. Enter into union with Me. Abide in Me. Thirst for Me each day. Grow holy. Let purity be your crown. Adorn yourselves accordingly. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Sunday, 13 July 2014 Be Honest Children of My Divine Heart, I Am that I Am. I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Draw near to Me. Open your hearts. Surrender. Give Me permission to work in you. I have plans for you, Beloved. Accept My direction, and live to please only Me. Do not seek the approval of men. Look to Me for all things. Let all that you say, think, and do bring Me glory. Abandon the ways of the world. Uproot all sin from your hearts, and lives. Repent. Seek out My consecrated Sons, and repent of your transgressions. Be honest with yourselves. Be honest with Me. Do not cheat. Truth is My gift to you. Live for Truth, My Little Ones. Do not add to the deceptions of Satan. Your little white lies are just lies. Lying keeps you from My grace. Do not lie any longer, Children. Pray that Truth will enflame the globe. Pray for this to happen. Lead others by your example. I love you so. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Saturday, 12 July 2014 Rejoice In Truth Children of My Divine Heart, I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the King of Saints. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission once more. Give Me permission to transform your world. Accept My invitation to change. Much change is needed in the hearts of men. Conversions must take place in order for men to understand, and appreciate My ways. Many conversions are needed. Pick up your rosaries, and pray, My Little Ones. Be generous with your prayers. Call down My protection on your families, and friends. Give Me your troubles. Set your problems at My feet, and be care free. Place your hope in Me. Do not place your hope in men. They will deceive you. Enter into union with Me a little more each day. Live for Me. The rest will be given to you. I will bless your efforts to please Me. You would do well to remember this. Let all that you say, think, and do bring Me glory. Shine My Light to the world. Chase away the darkness. Rejoice in Truth. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Friday, 11 July 2014 A Fierce Battle Awaits You Children of My Divine Heart, I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Hear Me. I come to you bearing gifts. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender without delay. Give Me permission to work in you. I hope in you. Draw near to Me this day. Ask for the desires of your heart, My Little Ones. Ask for the graces you need to continue on your spiritual journey. Ask, and expect provision. I Am the Provider yearns to fill all your needs. Count on Me. There is nothing I would deny you. You are My heirs. Be filled with hope. I have anointed you with the oil of gladness. Spread My joy to the ends of the Earth. Do not fear. Do not doubt events foretold. All will take place when the timing is right. Place your hope in Me. Remain in prayer. Pray for conversions, for peace, for the advancement of My Kingdom. Pray without ceasing. Spiritual warfare must increase. Many demons control humanity. They must be bound, and returned to Hell for all eternity. Their powers must decrease now. Pray for this to happen. A fierce battle awaits you, Beloved, but you will be victorious. Do not give up. Pick up your rosaries, and pray for My will to be done in the hearts of all men. Be faith filled, and rejoice in My master plan. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Thursday, 10 July 2014 I Desire To Strengthen Your Resolve Children of My Divine Heart, I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am the Great I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender in all confidence. Give Me permission to transfigure you for My glory. Look around you, Beloved. Sin is rampant. So few of My children desire to honor Me. Many give in to temptation without even the slightest after thought. Many toy with temptation, and call sinful habits a modern way of life. Beloved, you err. Do not jeopardize your eternal destination. Do not believe Satans lies. All sin cuts you away from Me. You must desire to please Me in all that you do. Obey My commandments, and draw near to Me. Do not remain chained to sin. Be free. Be right with Me. Walk blameless before My sight. Repent, My Little Ones. Guard your souls from all stain. Your souls are your most precious possessions. Hear Me. I desire to strengthen your resolve. Find strength in My word. Find strength in Me. Ask for the graces your require each day. Do not waver. Place your trust in Me. Pray without ceasing, and I will lead you on this spiritual journey. Allow Me to be your guide. Trust that I know what is best for you. Trust in Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Wednesday, 9 July 2014 Walk The Earth As My Heirs Children of My Divine Heart, I Am that I Am. I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission to transfigure you in love. Give Me permission to raise you to holiness, to show you the way. Beloved, you err. Abandon the ways of the world. Be right with Me. Do not compromise your virtues. Do not let discouragement set you back. All things work for the greater good. Persevere in love. Do not give up. Pray, My Little Ones. Pray without ceasing, and make reparation for past transgressions. Uproot all sin from your hearts, and lives. Uproot sin, and walk the Earth as My heirs. Be holy. Remain faith filled. Stand in righteousness. Fight for justice, and truth. Do not waver. I count on you. Lead others into battle, Beloved. Arm yourselves well, and do not fear. Read My holy word daily. It will reveal many mysteries to you. It will prepare you for what lies ahead. Abide in My word. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Tuesday, 8 July 2014 Witness To My Love Children of My Divine Heart, I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the Great I Am. I Am the King of Saints. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender at once. Give Me permission to transfigure you for My glory. I thirst for you. Accept My love. Grow in holiness. Draw near to Me. Love. Love Me. I await your expressions of love for Me this instant. Beloved, so many of My children never express their love for Me. Many of My children refuse to love Me. Teach them to love. Lead them to Me. Witness to My love. I count on you to obey this instruction. Witness to My great love for all humanity. Serve Me in all humility, and trust. Draw near to Me through prayer. Be silent, and know I Am. I will speak to your hearts, when you make yourselves obedient unto Me. Walk the Earth as My ambassadors. Uproot all sin from your hearts, and lives. Put an end to all disobedience. Return to Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Monday, 7 July 2014 Live Each Day To Honor This Love Children, I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission to transform you for My glory. I love you so. My love for you is everlasting. Remember that no earthly expression of love compares to My love. Hope in My love. Live each day in hope. Live each day to honor this love I have for you. Do not betray Me. Walk in holiness, and strive to please Me in all that you say, think, and do. Do not take this instruction lightly. Strive to honor Me with all your being. Honor Me in your words, and in your actions. Honor My most holy name, and keep My commandments as a token of your love for Me. They are meant to draw you to Me, to keep you close to Me. Thirst for Me, Beloved. Thirst for Me, as I thirst for you. Ponder this teaching. I bless you now. My blessing is yours to share. I place My kiss upon your hearts, and gift you with My peace. Shalom Sunday, 6 July 2014 Teach Them To Thirst For Me Children of My Divine Heart, I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Draw near to Me. Abide in Me. Let all that you say, think, and do bring Me glory. Beloved, open your hearts to My love. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission to transfigure you this day. I have plans. My plans are perfect. Trust in Me. Do not doubt Me. Accept My invitation to serve. Take up your rosaries, and pray. Pray without ceasing for time is of the essence. Pray for conversions. Pray for sin to be uprooted from the hearts of men. Beloved, I ask you to persevere in prayer. Do not tire of prayer, My Little Ones. Be faith filled. Fight for souls. Do not turn your backs to those in need. Many refuse Me. Millions have decided to remain indifferent to My pleas. My heart yearns for their love. Teach them to thirst for Me. Obey My instructions, and persevere in love. Obey Me at all times, and in all things. Obey Me in the slightest of things. When you accept to obey Me in the smallest of things, I will entrust you with greater mandates. Obey in all humility, and joy. Work in My vineyard. Draw others back to the fold. I count on you. I bless you now. This blessing is yours to share. Remember that I desire to crown you in righteousness upon your passing. Do not rob Me of this joy. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 09:24:31 +0000

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