Wednesday 17th September 2014 Hi my Dear Friends, Below all - TopicsExpress


Wednesday 17th September 2014 Hi my Dear Friends, Below all the messages typed out and ready for you to read. Each card number is listed below with the name of the revealed card. Read from the first card you chose to the last card you chose, Below is your full message from Spirit. Light and Love........Margit x margitborbas BONUS MESSAGE: There are lots of changes beginning now and towards the end of this year. Some of you will be preparing for a new chapter in life and some of you will have additions to the family, new careers and new places to call home. As life start to bring you what you’ve attracted it’s important to go with the flow and allow change to occur. One day it might be a relatively uneventful day and the next day you’ll be flat out busy and trying to take everything in. Feeling unsettled some days will be natural during the coming months but remember its temporary as life is falling into place for a greater 2015. Remember whatever you’ve been thinking about is what you’re attracting, so take care with your thoughts and only think good things. Pivot from negative thoughts to your ideal dreams and wishes and you’ll find the Universe will pay attention. You are making headway and life is a journey and one that you’re traveling along right now, so if it’s a bit bumpy, check in with yourself because it’s up to you and only you, to make sure it’s a good ride. All is well. CARD #1 – TEMPERANCE – Trying to keep life in balance might feel a bit easier this next week. Flowing from one day to the next you’ll find it less erratic and your thoughts will feel calmer. Life is not always smooth and everyone has their share of ups and downs, but you’ll find you handle life with more ease and your general temperament more even keeled. Life is going to show you a reward or two, a compliment or three and mirror to you that you are on the right track. It feels good to get these little confirmations so receive these from the Universe as praise for sticking with it. There are greener pastures ahead for you, life is flowing the right way and this week you’ll really sense it. Keep your thoughts and dreams in check, visualise what you desire and everything you believe to be the ideal way for you. Water will be important as you either feel drawn to it, or want to soak in it and feel healing. The ocean is a wonderful place for restoring energy and balance, if you own a boat you’ll be drawn to take it out. You’ll have good dreams and also want to avoid any dramas or people needing drama. You’ll listen more than you speak and you’ll see more than you notice. Feel content, for equilibrium is being restored. CARD #2 – JUSTICE – Often it feels difficult to make decisions that you know other people won’t like or will ripple out to affect others. The week ahead sees you feeling secure about a decision you’ve made regardless of what other feel or think. To you it feels right and that’s most important to you right now. Your career, a business, building, property, land or investments will ‘feel’ right. You might not be able to explain why you are drawn to a particular decision but inside you’ll sense its truth and justice in your life. Wisdom that dwells deep inside you is playing its part and combining with intellect and your heart to give greater feelings of purpose and plan. Even though some people around you will be unsure to what you are doing they may not question you. Your self-assurance will silence any negative thoughts as the tone of your voice and the look in your eyes will show to everyone that you’ve thought long and hard to come to this decision. You may not want to be seen as a leader, or one who seems to appear to know where they’re going, but the week ahead will highlight you in a leadership light, so you are being encouraged to simply accept this view but just get on with what you’re about to do. Little do others know that you’re weighing everything up so it balances out to a solid conclusion because there wont be any half hearted or hasty assumptions playing a part in processes at this point. Everything you’re doing has been researched and mapped out in your mind, down to the way you want to move forward and how you’ll check all legal documents, buildings, permits, classifications and certifications. Calm and assured you’ll soon become aware that your decision is done, finalised and ready to go ahead. You won’t wake up one morning with just a notion. You’ll feel surprised that it seemed sort of effortless but you also realise that the universe was guiding you all the way and maybe, just maybe, you asked for this in the past somewhere? How good does it feel to know you have the courage of your own conviction...Pretty good, doesn’t it? CARD #3 – THE SUN – What a great card to choose! This card represents joy, happiness, elation, laughter, good times, friendships and fun. In the coming week you’re going to enjoy yourself with friends, family or even a simple night at home will bring you great pleasure. It’s not that your life is so dull but simply that your mindset has switched to receiving joy, noticing happiness, feeling fun and appreciating the fun in life. Maybe life was too busy or too full of ‘stuff’ that you haven’t been able to notice how life can offer great joy and often in the simple ways. If you feel low, a bit down or even if your health hasn’t been the best, things are looking up and you’re going to feel much better again. There is also the opportunity to be outdoors and appreciate the Autumn sunshine, get some vitamin D on your face and feel the slight warm breeze upon your face. Music and rhythm will move your soul and you may find a new song, new band, a new artist or singer that connects to your soul and moves your feet. If you meditate this week you’ll find a certain piece of music healing and your heart will feel lighter and happier. Compliments can come to you in the week ahead, someone may say you appear ‘lighter’ or happier and your eye will sparkle as a happy soul shines through. Allow your restored joyous nature to rub off on friends and family and share a good belly laugh while you let good feelings fill every cell in your body. It can feel good to play or be silly like a child once in a while. Enjoy. CARD #4 – NINE OF CUPS – A cause for celebration! This card can represent a smaller celebration such as a new date or meeting a new romantic partner. It can mean something much bigger like an engagement or commitment to one another. It’s been a long time coming or you’ve been thinking about this for a while. In some way Spirit is saying this path has always been on the cards and it’s slowly coming to fruition and it feels right. If you are getting engaged or married you will enjoy every single moment of the celebration and so will your guests and family. If you are committing or becoming exclusive to a partner you’ll feel this to be the right decision and have very little doubt. If you are on a date or meeting in a romantic place you’ll enjoy the time together and feel that a connection was secured. This card also represents the commitment you make to yourself, to love yourself more, to give to yourself better and to improve yourself in some way like a promise. This could be something simple like promising yourself you’ll meditate every day or something more important like taking care of your physical body or caring for your well-being in a much better way. If you are committing to stop smoking or stop an addiction this is a perfect week as in loving yourself you’ve a much better chance of sticking to it. Spirit is also saying allow the world to see that you’re heart is open and loving and you don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed of what others think. If you are judged for being selfish it simply means a lack of understanding. Love is in the air, enjoy it! CARD #5 - EIGHT OF CUPS – Are your emotions dragging you down? Is your health suffering? This card represents reflection where emotions and feelings may cause you to go within, withdraw and do some deep soul searching. If you are feeling a bit low then remind yourself this is temporary as everyone goes on the roller-coaster of highs and lows at some stage in life. What’s more important is how you coach yourself back out of self absorbing thoughts because they can often take over. If your health isn’t the best then this is the best week for resting and allowing sleep and down time to recuperate. Never under estimate the power of sleep and rejuvenation. Even an afternoon nap can do wonders for the soothing the nervous system. There is the chance that you may get hurt by someone through harsh words or inconsiderate feelings. You may find that this week you want to reflect and go within to feel your way through this emotional pain. Spirit and your Guardian Angels will be around you to guide and not let you dwell too long on what was said or done. Over analysing will get your nowhere because moving forward in the direction of your dreams is the best answer this week. It could be a case that you say or do the wrong thing and will be harsh on yourself and withdraw to think about the pain you have caused. Spirit will be around you to guide you out of sabotage and restore self forgiveness so you can learn and move on. As long as the patterns of emotional discord don’t continue as a repetitive pattern, life will feel better next week. If big decisions needs to be made to help you move on you will have thought very deeply in this area. CARD #6 – TEN OF WANDS – You’re doing it to yourself. Your own thoughts about your beliefs and understandings will confuse you and give you cause for self doubt. You’re on your journey, you know where you want to go, you’ve been asking the Universe for guidance and you’ve come so far, so don’t give up now. Keep the faith and take time to reflect and check in with your soul that your dreams and goals all still feel good inside. Every now and then you need to measure where you’re up to and where you’re still going. You can’t always see the road straight ahead of you but you can check that the headlights are working. You can’t always see what path will lead you to your desired destination but you can check that you’re doing and saying the right things that you know will serve you well. Are you certain about your dreams and is it still crystal clear within you what you want? Do you visualise your goals and outcomes and do you daydream about how life will feel when it all comes to fruition? Even though time passes and you still haven’t got what you wanted, don’t give up. Sometimes it’s just around the corner and yet you’re tempted to walk away when you’re so close. Whatever it takes in music, conversations, reading, affirmations, meditation, lighting a candle or praying, make sure you stay true and keep the faith about your dreams. Your life purpose will unfold before your eyes as long as you keep visualising and expecting your dreams to come to you. CARD #7 – FIVE OF WANDS – You’re going to have to confront some fears this week. Something you may have been putting off like speaking to your boss, or making a phone call, asking for the sale, connecting with someone new or simply ringing family and speaking your truth. But something will test you and it will take all of your might to make this happen yet you’ll be so proud of yourself once you do it. Spirit is around you to give you courage to face your fears. Your career is important therefore be bold and take the steps to ask for what you want, meet who you need to meet and ask for the sale. Your life is very important to take the steps you need to make sure you’re happy, healthy and safe. If you need to speak to family and you fear rejection or confrontation then write out what you need to say before you say it on the phone or text it to someone. If you need to speak to your kids about something or feel you’re not being heard in the family, take the time to honour yourself and ask for a family meeting and state your case diplomatically. Whatever it is that you need this week, you also need to ask for it and courage will hold you in good stead more than you realise. Take a risk, speak up and use your words to convey what you need, what you want or what you deserve. Others will be proud of you and you may pleasantly be surprised who’s on your side. CARD #8 – NINE OF WANDS – You could tell a story that goes something along the lines of ‘this is how hard it has been for me’ but the week ahead you’ll start to tell a new story of ‘this is where I intend to be very soon’. You’re going to want to focus on the good parts of life, the good dreams you have and the good friends you’ve got and the good work you have right now instead of what wasn’t right in the past. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing but what you’ve been through has made you the person you are today and that’s something to be proud of. Don’t ever feel you’re not good enough, or you don’t deserve too much, or that other people seem to have all the good luck. You deserve goodness and great rewards just as much as other people do and the week ahead will see Spirit with you to guide you to those good thoughts and feelings. This is all about doing it for yourself, finding your own way through the storms of life to come out onto calm water. Not having anyone do you any favours yet find that you can stand up for yourself. You may not have thought you could do something and find that you surprise yourself and can do it fairly easily. You need a well deserved pat on the back simply for being you and never giving up and never feeling sorry for yourself for too long. You’re stronger than you think and you’re on a journey that’s bringing you to a good destination. Chances are you’ll see the horizon a lot sooner than you think. Card #9 – FOUR OF SWORDS – There are many choices to choose from in the week ahead. When it comes to your work or career you’ll find there are several paths you could choose from to get ahead. Which path suits you and which path will you choose is something you’ll discover next week. This week you’re thinking and rationalising it all out through the pro’s and con’s and you might even write out the positives and the negatives so you can see it all clearly. Do you move house, do you stay? Will you buy or will you sell? Are you changing jobs or are you staying? Is that new car right for you or do you buy second hand? Swords represent reality, life, materialistic assets, houses, property, careers, finance and purchases. The choices are all before you and you will take a good look and take your time before you finally decide. You will feel calm and confident but you won’t be rushed. If you have made up your mind you will feel sure. Any choice that is not long lasting or sustainable will fall away and you’ll soon see only the solid and secure choices in front of you. You’ll see through falsities or lies and you’ll look for truth and honesty. Don’t be surprised if you look far and wide for selection of choice, so that new car might be right across the other side of town, or the block of land you want is further south than you thought. It doesn’t matter, you’ll soon narrow down your choices until you know exactly which one you want, and you’ll feel content in your decision. Well done. Light and Love ....Margit x
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:35:01 +0000

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