Wednesday 3rd September 2014 Hi Dear Friends, Below are - TopicsExpress


Wednesday 3rd September 2014 Hi Dear Friends, Below are all the messages for the cards this week. Each card and its message is listed below (please keep reading). Please read from the first card you chose to the last card you chose, This is your full card reading. Light and Love........Margit x margitborbas BONUS MESSAGE: Up and down, in and out, sometimes life can offer up a roller-coaster of challenges that you’ll have to face head on without taking things too personally. But this week you might find the week a bit flat, not very interesting or exciting and possible boring. These weeks offer you rest, recuperation, time out and a general feeling that nothing is as important as you thought it should be. So put up your feet, watch the TV, sleep more or get back into that book you promised yourself you’d finish. It’s a week where days will drift along and before you know it another week has passed. It’s a good week to sort out clothes, spare rooms, tidy up paperwork, pack boxes and spring clean. You might even find time to prepare your tax return or catch up on some long overdue paperwork. If there are any movies you’ve wanted to watch, it’s a good week to soak up some good story lines and if you love music you’ll find a favourite artist that entertains your relaxed mood this week. These weeks can be a blessing in disguise especially if life has been a bit hectic for you. Enjoy the moments and treasure this restful time. If you need a private reading, email message. Namaste. CARD #1 – THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE – A new change, moving from one stage of life to another and you can get excited at this. Is a relationship growing and plans of the future are unfolding? Thinking of changing jobs, careers, house or car, even a possible move interstate or overseas? You may feel the need to climb the corporate ladder or commit in full to a certain role or position. You’ve been thinking for a while about what you want and now you are ready for a shift to take place and you will regard this as very beneficial. Change is telling you that life is growing and that your life is opening up to expansion with new plans and this can be a new exciting time in your life. You’ll take a look at your wardrobe and start changing things around and throwing out clothes you haven’t worn in ages. It’s time to spring clean the house and the shed needs sorting. Out with the old and in with the new this week and clearing and making room energetically allows space for something new to arrive. Subconsciously you’ve been asking for change and now that it’s starting, be brave as it unfolds. CARD #2 – KNIGHT OF CUPS – If you have drawn this card you have a fresh start beginning soon. Could it be possible that you’re entertaining the thought of dating again, or have eyes on someone special and are considering opening your heart once again? This card encourages you to take a leap of faith; step forward boldly in the courage of your convictions that love is worth the steps on the new journey. Cast aside any doubts and reassure yourself that you’re ready; actually you’re more ready than you realise. Everything is set for you enjoying a lovely love venture and you’ll learn some new aspects about yourself. If you’re in a relationship you’ll be thinking about romance, planning a romantic getaway, or reconnecting. This is a card of goodness so if you are ready to cast off all fear and start dreaming of love then stay true to your heart and what you desire. Keep visualising what you want because love is always worth the journey! CARD #3 – SIX OF CUPS – You may find you get lost in some deep thoughts this week. Are you where you want to be? Do you long to feel loved? Are you missing the love of someone special? What are your true feelings about love, do you want to stay single, do you want to be married or are you unsure of what you want? Mystical energy will surround you so don’t be surprised if you dream more than usual and remember cryptic images and messages. It’s a good time to consult with someone who can shine a light on your future, or throw down a spread of the tarot for whatever form you prefer; you’re discovering your true emotions. Don’t describe yourself as lost, it’s not that type of energy for it’s more of a crossroads and becoming aware you’re in preparation to make a decision. If you’ve been let down you’ll realise it might be a saving grace because it could lead you to new horizons. This is a time that you’ll wonder at life, where do you want to be and ponder choices. If you’re reminiscing you’ll find this time very moving, very emotional so don’t stay too long in a place of sentimental memories for you may find you get bogged down. Lift your head and feel the breeze upon your face that brings fresh new scents of new beginnings as you learn to know what you really desire. You’re getting ready to make big emotional decisions. CARD #4 – FOUR OF PENTACLES – You will be able to count your blessings this week; finances, property, income or money will increase. Something will be working out for you and maybe all your sums are adding up and it looks like you’ll have that money you need, or that property will sell for the right price or at the right time. It can mean you’ll get a bonus, or the job you want, the right salary. If you’re buying property you might have some money left over and feel like you’ve made the right decision. It’s a week where you can rest a little, worry less and you may feel you’ve come to a good conclusion. Time to take stock and feel satisfied and you can count your blessings. If you’re selling something online, or having a garage sale, all will go well and you’ll raise good funds. If you’re selling your car the right buyer will show and the sale will settle at the right price. It’s a good week to feel as though luck is on your side, but of course you know, you attract life’s blessings, don’t you? CARD #5 - JUDGEMENT – This card shows you that you’ll want a peaceful life this week, yet you may find drama and unnecessary engagement all around you. Watching the nightly news may annoy you and the usual work colleague that is full of woes may bother you. It’s time for rest and equilibrium and putting a little balance back into your life. Take time off, enjoy a massage, relax and read a good book. Talk a walk in the sunshine, enjoy the scent of nature and soak up the rejuvenating energy from the trees around you. If you have been judged harshly or unfairly you’ll be sick of the negative energy and decide to stop over analysing events and restore peace of mind. Leave judgement behind you and anyone that judges you won’t get your attention this week. Likewise if you’ve been judging harshly or been quick to sum someone up, you’ll find you correct your thinking and return to harmony of thoughts. Judgement is an energy that depletes and definitely doesn’t restore, and it’s time for you to seek some serenity. and discussions will give you an opportunity to share your truth, speak authentically and allow others to know what you really want. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, it really is liberating. CARD #6 – QUEEN OF CUPS – You’re going to feel in your heart that you know and love yourself better than ever before. You’re beginning to feel more assured, confident and a lot more settled. This week you are reminded to seek inside for this security of love and peace of mind. It does not come from outside of you, nor are you to rely on it coming from anyone you know. You’ll feel purposeful and aligned with what you want to do. You may find that friends come to you for advice or your opinion. What you share online will be predominantly be about the goodness and beauty of life and lessons in life that make you feel emotionally secure. If you have been receiving emotional coaching you’ll feel much further along and ready to finish counseling soon. This week will see you calmer and less emotionally reactive. Any decisions you have to make you’ll check in with your heart before your decide. Any discussions or communication will see you ‘feel’ what it means to you first before you give your answers. It’s a good week to feel good about feeling loved. CARD #7 – ACE OF CUPS – Have you reached a new goal? Are you feeling good about yourself? This week’s card says you should or you will. It’s a reminder that you’re achieving or will achieve something that makes you feel very good inside. Fist pumping and jumping for joy could inject your week so love yourself enough that you get excited and show the world of your success. A partner will romance you, show you their open heart and even announce to you of their dreams and desires of a life with you. You will open your heart and share your dreams and maybe it has been a long time since you really looked inside and discovered all that you really desire and are ready to share? You are a beautiful person with so much love to give and have. Come from your heart in all you do and say this week and you won’t be disappointed because you’ll receive it right back again. Smile that beautiful smile and don’t be afraid to let people know that their important to you. Love yourself that you take care of your body and eat well, exercise and sleep well. Love your mind so that you feed it knowledge and understanding. It’s a beautiful week to focus on your loving side. CARD #8 – EIGHT OF CUPS – This card is reminding you not to feel sorry for yourself this week. There will be an issue or repercussion around love, relationships and emotions, that you won’t like. Instead of learning the lesson and understanding you’ll be wiser because you may instead fall into negative thoughts. We all have to have down days to enjoy happy days, and you’re the same. You can feel flat and out of sorts as long as you don’t allow thoughts to get you really down and become hard on yourself. Life can be tough and everyone goes through tough times in different ways. This week you’re being encouraged to just lay low, stay indoors, go to bed early, sleep more and just allow the next day to roll on in. Don’t get discouraged, or kick the cat because it’s not a good day, it’s just a day and it’s teaching you about yourself. Allow yourself to bounce back because every day is precious and yet temporary, as part of the stepping stones in the journey called life. It’s really not that bad in the big scheme of things. Card #9 – PAGE OF PENTACLES – This is the beginning, a new financial journey, to a financial goal, one that represents achievements and rewards that you’ve been dreaming about. You might be studying, applying for a better job, working away or building your future. This card shows a picture of newly planted fields which describes your life growing. You’re putting in effort, deciding where you want to invest your time and energy and money and so you must keep the faith until the harvest grows and is ready to reap. If you’ve started a new job or career then keep going for this card shows that you will be rewarded in time. If you have your own business then keep working and building because you will see growth and increased profit over time. If you’re saving, keep going as you will reach your target amount. If you’re studying you’ll find this course helps you gain financially in your career. The week ahead might not be a big week for receiving rewards but it is an important week in the step by step process of financial growth and incremental gain. Success comes from sticking to a plan and that plan is definitely uppermost on your mind. Light and Love.....Margit x
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:35:00 +0000

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