Wednesday 3rd September Koala Room Update: Today was a very - TopicsExpress


Wednesday 3rd September Koala Room Update: Today was a very cold and windy day outside so we spent all day inside. We started our day with making another collage with feathers, foam shapes and glitter. Lexi was very interested in the feathers, carefully holding them and feeling them with her fingers. Aria delicately placed feathers on to the glue she had already painted on. After fruit, Layla and Theo were enthusiastic helpers, helping Jackie to clean up the mess by sweeping up the bits off the floor. We had a story group time using our sensory books, everyone waited patiently to touch each of the pictures. Then Samara, Layla, Theo, Aria and Ruby sat with a book each looking at the pictures. Jayden loved the push along musical walker, smiling as he pushed it round the room several times, then he stopped to push the buttons that made animal noises. Louise also enjoyed the musical push along walker. She pushed the shapes and smiled when the music started. Ruby was intrigued with see through coloured shapes. She held them up to the window and giggled when she looked through them at Skye. We had some sand play dough to explore. Samara used the wheeled cutter and shape cutters. We rolled tiny balls and sausages. Mason was happy to explore the texture blocks with his mouth and play with rattles, gurgling to Jackie and Skye. Possum Room Update: Lots of inside activities today as it was too cold to venture outside. Jess set up some water, a bath and a washer the children were able to come a wash the baby dolls and they all loved having a turn at washing the dolls and then helping Jess to dry them. Laila spent a long time helping Jess, she always came back for more turns and then she took her doll over to the high chair and fed her doll. Hudson, Charlie and Hazel also enjoyed having a few turns. Dylan set up a sensory activity with jelly, the children were encouraged to take turns at feeling the jelly with their fingers. Some children were a bit cautious to touch the jelly but after some encouragement they began to enjoy playing it. Zoe and Scarlet liked the feel of the jelly running through their fingers. Shaleisha had some dot painting using cotton buds which Archie and Tallon both enjoyed, they took turns and choose which colour to use. Archie liked to use the green mostly whilst Tallon choose to use purple the most. Green spaghetti was a huge hit today as everyone was very eager to the feel the spaghetti. Eve wasn’t really sure about it but still enjoyed exploring it. Sam provided an activity whereby Baaba, Albert and Tallon were asked to show Sam where the eyes, nose and mouth were located on the face. They were then encouraged to glue the pieces onto the face. Bilby Room Update: On Monday Murphy said to Grace “I smell something Grace” and Grace said “What can you smell Murphy?” he said “I can smell treasure!” So today, Grace buried a treasure chest and some treasure in the sand pit and marked it “X”. Grace encouraged Murphy to draw a treasure map so that we could find our way to the “X”. Tyler joined in and drew his own treasure map as well. They then lead us up to the sandpit by referring to their treasure maps. We found the “X” and Murphy said “We have to dig here.” So we dug until we hit something hard. The two were very excited to find the treasure chest. They then decided to bury the treasures into the sand and look for them later this afternoon. For craft today Iori, Ollie, Hunter and Riya had a sensory experience using bubble wrap and paint to stamp patterns onto their page and hear the bubble wrap pop! We experimented with green, red and orange combining the colours together to make new colours. For group time today, Bonny used alphabet flash cards with different pictures of the letter they start with the help the children recognize the letter and build on their language skills. She also sung “A ram sam sam, Sleeping little rabbits and Friends in the middle.” Platypus Room Update: Today in the Platypus room educators provided some new resources that challenged the children’s gross motor skills. The first activity was a game of quoits. Mel demonstrated how to throw the rings onto the stick. The children made a line behind Blake and patiently waited for their turn. Braedyn was a superstar with a grand total of two rings landing on the stick. Our second activity was a game of hop scotch and Angela demonstrated how to do this. Firstly you stand at the end holding your marker. You then toss your marker to land on a number. We then had to hop on the numbers managing to skip the number that had the marker on it. We talked about the numbers on the mat, we especially like the number 4 because we are all nearly 4 years old. During group time Tony talked about shapes. He asked his group to find shapes in our room that matched the shapes in the book he was reading to them. Wyn showed us his love of trains by building a train track with a long line of trains chugging around it. Noah read the little book of super hero’s to his friend Milton. Kangaroo Room Update: Kite flying - Reflection by Micheal: It all started when Harley and Deanna were out waving goodbye to dad. The wind had picked up considerably, Deanna joked to Harley that she would need to tie a piece of string to him and fly him like a kite in the wind. Sally asked Deanna if they could have a kite?? After careful inspection of all storerooms and cupboards, no luck. There was no kite in sight. Deanna sparked an idea, searching online for kite designs. With Deanna’s help the children then constructed kites from paper. They helped to fold them and stick the tape on in the right spots. As we could only help one child construct their kite at a time, all of the children have been patient in waiting for their turn and respecting their friends kites. During construction I had my doubts that square pieces of paper would fly but this would be proved wrong on the flying field. We were almost ready to set and fly but there was one thing that was missing. TAILS. We needed tails. The children selected the colour tails that they wanted for their kites. Now we were ready for kite flying. Grabbing our hats, we set off to the oval to fly the kites. The children had a ball flying the kites in the wind. These kites flew amazingly. We had giggles everywhere and all of the children loved being out in the wind flying their own kites. At 12:00 the children were hungry, we had decided that we needed to go refuel for our afternoon session of kite flying. We dropped our kites off at the emergency kite repairing centre. Once we had refuelled and the kites were all fixed we tidied up our headquarters and set off back outside. This time we took a secret weapon, some rope and an old pop up tractor tent. We were determined to make this thing fly. The children all watched on in anticipation as we tried to make the yellow box fly. To find out if we were successful in making the tractor fly, ask your child and see what they might say. If anyone had any kites that they no longer use at home feel free to donate them to us. It is an amazing experience for the children and nostalgic for the staff. Thanks Emu Room Update: Reflection by Jenna: This morning the children were eager to experiment with wearing the Dr Seuss masks. Rebecca picked up the Grinch mask and asked who this character was, so at morning meeting time I asked the children if they knew who this was. Olivia M and Arliah knew that it was in fact the Grinch who stole Christmas, Olivia went on to explain that he stole the presents and the tree. We searched through Evas collection of Dr Seuss books and found The Grinch who stole Christmas. Isabella, Benjamin, Angus, Alec and Ryan were particularly interested in the story and were pleased to find out that the Grinch turned nice at the end of the story. Later in the morning Charlie and Olivia G placed on the Dr Seuss dress ups and were observed standing in front of the truffalo trees assuming the roles of the costumes they were wearing. Charlie was dressed as the Lorax and began reciting lines from the story “I speak for the trees”, while Olivia dressed up as Cat in the Hat. During group time Gracie looked out the window and exclaimed “Look the clouds are moving quickly”. I enquired why, with many children responding that it was because there was a storm coming and it was really windy. As an extension to this observation Yolanda provided the children with the opportunity to create their own representation of storm clouds. Andriana continued baking with the children today to create some delicious treats for Fathers Day, having the opportunity to measure, mix, bake and create. The smell drifting down the halls was delightful with many educators commenting on how hungry they were – the children had great delight in telling the educators that they were not for them.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 05:52:28 +0000

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