Wednesday, 7th August LIVE ABOVE DECEITS “The pride of thine - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, 7th August LIVE ABOVE DECEITS “The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee ....” (Obadiah 1:3) One of the definitions of Pride is: believing lies. When a person is prideful, he walks in self deceit without even knowing. To be deceived means to believe a lie, to accept as true what isn’t true, and a prideful heart is what causes a person to accept lies as truths, thus making him live in deceit. Pride is the character of satan the enemy, it is what brought him low and has kept him defeated. And God doesn’t want any of His kids to get entangled in this self deception of pride, for the Bible tells us that “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.” (James 4:6). When a man gets proud, he comes under God’s resistance. No matter what he does, he can’t move forward. But for the humble, it’s a different ball game, God keeps opening his eyes to revelation and increase, God keeps loading him with more favor and grace. His progress is always evident to all, because God gives him more grace. Which side do you prefer? I can guess! Pride begins in the heart; it makes a man to have an overestimated view of himself. The Bible says we shouldn’t think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, but soberly as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. (Rom. 12:3). So what does that mean? This doesn’t denote you having an inferior view of yourself, but that you see yourself in the light of God’s word. See yourself as God sees you and function that way. Learn to be thankful and grateful, never seek to impress or project an overestimated view of yourself. But be of a lowly heart, listen to others and be teachable, and God will increase you more and more. Prayer: Loving Father, I worship you for your beauty and grace in my life. Thank you for revealing to me how to walk in humility and meekness of heart. I’m yielded to the authority of your word and wisdom. Teach me dear Lord and let your grace increase more and more in my life in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. Further Insight: Num. 12:3; Proverbs 11:2 Study Plan: 2 Kings 14-15
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 21:03:49 +0000

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