Wednesday April 2, 2017 (day 87) Wow! Coming up to almost 3 - TopicsExpress


Wednesday April 2, 2017 (day 87) Wow! Coming up to almost 3 months since Jays received his gift of life. Amazing, tiring, frustrating, overwhelming, exhilarating!!! I could go on and on but Ill spare you all my Im really starting to notice an improvement in Jay on a day to day basis. His face wasnt as swollen this morning when I arrived as it was last night when I left!! Unfortunately the other areas have not been as nice....yet.....but Im sure its coming. Doctors were in and are happy with his blood numbers. If everything stays stable till tomorrow they are planning on upping Jays lasiks to really get the fluid moving! We are ready! He is still in a lot of pain and requested morphine this morning as he wasnt able to handle it. He has toughed it out the rest of the day as he doesnt want to get groggy and of course the constipation it can cause would just add to the issues we seem to be rectifying. Lets not go there...... Jay has been busy scratching his way through the tickets Chad and Roula brought him last night. He won $20 and promptly had me go over the the MARS building to exchange for new tickets. Lol. (He won $35 off those ones....and you guessed it....I went and exchanged them for more. Lol) He use to get tired after 2 Im sure hed go all day scratching away. Lol. That is as long as he can talk me into going and exchanging/buying new ones! Jay was talking to his nurse, Roxanne, today and mentioned that he got his friend to look at his swollen man bits last night. He was proud that Chad actually looked at it......its almost like a Badge of Honour.......or maybe Bag of Honour would be a more appropriate term! 😜. Bahaha Jay is still off the oxygen!! I ❤️ Saying that! His sats sit at around 95%!!! He slept through the night again last night.....with the help of his friend morphine. Haha. He did a little bit of Physio with Gary........mostly leg work with Jay carefully protecting his jewels. 💎 Gary was impressed with the strength in his legs which is great. Will definitely help when he finally gets standing and walking again. Jay must have apologized 3-4 times for not being able to do more. He was really worried he was disappointing Gary. Awe.....Gary kept saying Jay, I know if you could, you would. And that is the truth. Jay is just waiting for the day he can get at it....and once he gets going, there will be no stopping him. 😃 We got Jay all cleaned up tonight. We even washed his hair. This is one of the very few perks of being in the hospital. They have heated shower caps that have a dry shampoo in them. You put it on his head and massage. He LOVES this!! He would wash his hair multiple times a day if he could! Or should I say he would get US to wash his hair?? Lol Thats it for now. Jay was in a bit of a mood tonight. He is tired of being in pain and is really frustrated. Hopefully after a good nights sleep he will be back to himself and ready to get er done! Hugs, xo TYD
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 01:31:45 +0000

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