Wednesday, December 3, 2014: (St. Francis Xavier) Jesus said: - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, December 3, 2014: (St. Francis Xavier) Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you how many saints and missionaries have been sent out, like My apostles, to spread My Word of the Gospel to all the nations. Today, you and My other messengers of the end times have a different mission. Not only are you spreading My Word wherever you go, but you are like St. John the Baptist as you prepare the way for My second coming. Your message is the same, to have people repent and be saved in their souls before it is too late. You also are preparing people for My coming Warning experience, which needs frequent Confession to have a pure soul to avoid any mini-judgment to hell. You also are preparing people to be ready to leave their homes to come to My refuges of protection. Preparing people for the end times, is not an easy message, but it is better than not being prepared at all. You have told people how some faithful are already building refuges, and it would be wise to have backpacks, tents, and sleeping bags ready to leave for My refuges, when I give you the word to leave. Other messengers are receiving messages about refuges, so you are not alone. My messengers need to keep a good prayer life, and visit Me at Mass and Adoration so they can keep close to Me, and continue their missions. Trust in My Word, and be prepared for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.” Thursday, December 11, 2014: Jesus said: “My people, every day you have to get up and work, for most people. This means dealing with the trials of the day, as your current snowstorm of heavy snow. Even as you are digging out, you also have to sometimes dig out of your sins in your soul with a good Confession. Many of you are quick to clean out your driveway so you can get to work or to the store, but how many people move as quickly to clean out the sins on their soul? You also took your cars in to get them inspected, and you had the brakes and other parts repaired. You again went through some pain of the expense to have good working vehicles. You also need to inspect your souls and confess your sins, along with prayers of reparation for your sins. You need a pure soul to do your mission, more than just having working vehicles. You have physical responsibilities for your family, and you have spiritual responsibilities for your soul and others.” Monday, December 15, 2014: Jesus said: “My people, you are all suffering now in this valley of tears, as you struggle to make a living, and endure the evil of this age. You will see even worse persecutions before I will come in victory over the evil ones. When you see Me coming again in glory, I will be calling all of the people out of their graves. At the final judgment, you will be reunited with your glorified bodies. Those people, who are faithful to Me, will join Me forever in heaven. But those people, who rejected Me, will join the evil ones in hell. In the end there are only two final destinations in either heaven or hell. So prepare your souls in My grace to meet Me both at the crib at Christmas, but ultimately you want to be with Me in heaven. Just as the angels rejoiced with the shepherds at My birth, so the angels will be rejoicing when all the worthy souls come into heaven.” Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving some faithful the funds and help to build both interim and final refuges. Some faithful are finishing up their plans, while some may still have time to get things ready for people to come and stay. Refuges need bedding, food, and water. They also need to be consecrated and protected from the evil ones by My angels. I will multiply your food, water, and fuel for heating and cooking. I will even provide a water source, and multiply the water that you have. Those faithful, who desire to have an interim refuge, I will accept their ‘yes’, and provide for their needs. When the time comes to call My people to My refuges, I will have My angels put a shield of protection around these refuges so the evil ones cannot enter or see them. You need some lavatories, showers, and good size kitchens to prepare food for a lot of people. The time to come to My refuges is growing close, so My people need to be prepared to live independently from your normal society. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:15:43 +0000

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