Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Our Father, we come to you this - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Our Father, we come to you this evening as your Prayer Warriors here on earth, asking that you hear our prayers for those who are sick or just in need of prayer. Lord we know that you have said where 2 or more are gathered there you will be also. We may not be gathered together physically but we are spiritually, so we ask that you be with us. Prayer Warriors it is now time to join our hands to paws to ask the Lord to grant our prayers. Lord, we ask that you put your protective shield around the families and animals in the path of the lava in Hawaii. Keep them all safe from harm. We ask that you guide the lava in the least destructive path. Surround all those in danger with your angels. We ask this in your precious name. We ask that you give each member of the loved ones’ family peace and comfort in the knowledge that their loved one is safe with you in Paradise. Lord, we ask that you comfort this grieving family as they come to terms with tragedy and learn how to go on without their loved ones. Remember to celebrate their life, not mourn their death, for they now dwell with the Lord and his angels. Saved a Bull Rescue is deeply saddened to learn of the loss of one of our own today. We ask that you give each member of the fur-baby’s family peace and comfort in the knowledge that their fur-baby is safe with you at the Rainbow Bridge. We know that they are in a better place and we are not to mourn a death but to rejoice and celebrate their life. All of those who have gone on before us, will be forever in our hearts even if your name is unknown to us. There is a heartrending moment when pet owners realize its time to say a final goodbye to their loyal companions. So many beautiful pawed angels have left for the Rainbow Bridge. We are sending love, peace and light to their souls as they travel on their new journeys....also sending love, comfort and healing to their families who are dealing with loss and grief. Just believe that all will be reunited someday. Hug your dog today. And if you dont have a dog, hug a shelter dog. To Hope of A ReJoyceful Animal Rescue, Hanna kitty whose Momma is Laura Lishness, Isaac whose Momma is Laura Lishness, Maggie of Sadie and Angel Maggie whose Momma is Deb Peevler Moore and all who left this earth today, know that you are loved and may the Rainbow Bridge welcome you home. You are forever in our hearts. To all those that died alone in a shelter, or on the streets, we are so sorry we failed you or that the system failed you. You carry a little piece of our hearts with you. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal. - unknown Mango on a Mission’s sister Katy needs our prayers. She is not eating and can hardly walk she has gotten so weak. Lord, please hold this little in the palm of your healing hand and give her the strength to fight this and to start to eat so she doesn’t lose any more weight. Darcy Miller posted Everything Emmas PLEASE KEEP EMMA ,HER FAMILY AND HER DOCTOR IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS TOMMORROW SHE WILL BE HAVING BOTH HER BACK LEGS AMPUTATED. Lord we ask that you be with the doctor and keep Emma safe. Rescue Rappin Biggie Small N Baby G posted (Gracie folds her paws) posted Nelson in Heaven, I needs yer help. My BFF Doug is sik and we do nut nose wut is rong. He is losing wait and tonight he walking like he donut nose ware is...Momma and me is so worried.....He falled asleep an maked pee on his OWNSELF.....We needs a Small Miracle......We needs you and Biggie to watch over him and make him not feel scared.....we need to fix wut is making him sik an losing wait.....we need lots of money fur tests so we can save my Bff...Nelson, if you is there we needs a Miracle. (Gracie lays her head on Dougs back as a single tear rolls down her cheek) Lord this little one needs a good helping of your healing hand. Show them what needs to be done so he can get well. Liza Frakes posted Can I please ask you to include my sister-in-law, Eve Seveska in your prayer circle tonight. She is going in for surgery tomorrow to remove a blood clot from her arm and she is very frightened. Lord, we ask that you hold Eve in your loving hand during this surgery. Guide the surgeons hand and bring her through this safely. Doris Pfennig May I please ask that my husband Tim still be included in your prayers. His life seems to be spiraling out of control. I ask, if it be your will dear Lord, that you help Tim find his way to straighten his life out and be happy again. I pray that things work out from his latest down fall. We desperately need your help, Lord. Lord we ask that you hear their prayers and respond according to thy will. Peanut Pumpkin Pie. Health update: Looks like the vet mister-diagnosed me. I saw a new vet and she doesnt think I have glaucoma at all! I had a really bad eye infection and now that it has been treated, I am getting all better. I am still mostly blind in the right eye because of keratin deposits but thats okay. I get along just fine. My eye isnt hurting and my smile is back. Mommy is really relieved and we are keeping a close eye on my eye. (No pun intended.) Lord thank you for helping them find out what was wrong. As I’m sure most of you have read about Pepsi-Doodles Mama Betty Haley and the extreme rare disease she has, syringomyelia with chairi malformation, very rare. Give her the strength to fight and get through this. PepsiDoodles also needs our prayers as she has a lump on her side. She will be going to the vet in the next few days to have it checked. Lord, we ask that you give Pepsi a good report. Only you can cure this with a touch of your healing grace. Here is an updated report on Miss Betty from visit with GP today: x-rays show hardware has moved, borderline diabetes, (dr gave me a packet to read) no starches an other stuff, am anemic, an other issues, I give up for the day, was just to much, she sent results to surgeon, he called her an she said he will be moving my apt up sooner. Lord, we need you to intervene and give Betty a miracle. Help her to battle her way through this latest setback. Give her the strength and comfort to continue to fight. Kim Fleming Cernigliaro posted URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Please, Please, Please pray for my 4-year-old neighbor, Isabella from Tatum Texas! She was airlifted to Dallas early this morning. She is in ICU with an infection. This is the little girl with cancer that I asked you all to pray for a couple of weeks ago. She desperately needs our immediate prayers right now! Need to get a prayer chain going out there prayer warriors! Please pass on to those who you know will pray and continue to keep this prayer chain going. Please forward and continue to forward. This little girl needs a miracle Now. Lord, we are asking that you surround this little girl with your healing angels and also that you hold her in your healing hand. She needs your help desperately. Lord, we have a request from Emmitt’s Place to pray for his other nephew who is in a bad place in his life. He is bullying people and taking his temper out on his Mother. He needs prayers to get back to being the kind of person everyone knows he can be. Lord we ask that you deal in his life and show him the way to get his frustrations under control and be the man that you want him to be. Crystal Barrett posted nine days ago our baby girl, Roxy (11yo), was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma. This is just such a nasty disease and so unfair. Lord please be with these two fur-babies. Give the vet the guidance they need to be able to help these two. Comfort the family as they deal with this disease that is claiming a lot of our fur-babies. Michele Vacanti is asking for prayers. My mom Karen, was just diagnosed with bone cancer. Shes so giving never asking for anything for herself. I love her with every breathe I take. Please add her to your prayer list. Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over Karen and keep her safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle Karen within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on her. Lucy Kay Robinson posted that her ten year old granddaughter has a brain tumor. Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over her and keep her safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle her within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on her, please answer our prayers with a YES but only if she can have a decent quality of life. Marj Nelson Hines hates to ask for herself but would like for us to add her to the pray list. She has found out that she has lung cancer. Update: Wanted to update you on my cancer. I am now almost 1/2 way through the radiation and will start chemo on Tuesday. My doctor still says we are going to beat this. Thank you for the continued prayers. Archemedes ask that we say prayers for his Momma (She hates asking for herself cause she says there are so many more that need the prayers more) That her back with the Degenerative Disc Disease and Scoliosis gets better and causes less pain and the unexplained swelling gets better. Lord hear our prayer for your intervention into Uncle Roy’s condition. Schultz (dog) has asked that we please put his grandmom on our prayer list. Lord we ask that you continue to walk with each of the following fur babies who have long-term diseases or handicaps. Please continue laying your healing on them. They are Duncan of Sweet Duncan and Furiends, Paisley, Libby, Dexter GSMD, Sparky, Tinkerbell, Anna Banana, Lilly, Trevor, Little Girl, Angel, Tom, Koda, Duke, Molly, Mylee, Bruno, Lady, Brandy on the Rotts, Hummer, Harper, Jack on Wheels, Lucky the mixed terrier, Gunther, Murphy the paralyzed pit bull, Wobbie the Pug, Rocky the Boxer, Wildman the kitty, ElliBeans’ friend Jakey Bakey and Dante (A paws Baton Rouge) as he also fights lung cancer. Lily who was diagnosed CHF. Lord we ask that you give each one of these precious fur babies the strength and faith to fight each of their medical problems. These are the ones that we know of but we also pray you will heal and walk with the ones not listed here by name. Lord Jesus please continue to lay your healing hand on the following furiends’ parents, sisters, brothers, grandmas and great-grandmas and all the other relatives, who are ill or battling a long-term disease. Tara Comer Baldwin in prayer with her health issues. Heather & Mollie, Bailey Cream Adopt Not Shop’s Mom, Dee Gilbert’s friend Barbara Harrington, Shelby the Rottie’s Dad, Dozer’s Mom’s cousin, Melanie, JoRaye Land asks that we keep her in our prayers, Emily, Scott’s father. Charlie Losinno has asked that we pray for his Grandma, Patrick’s Mom who has just been diagnosed with Stage 1 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Tamy Vermande’s friend Mary (DJ Sparkles), Denise K. Beaudoin asks for prayers for Janet Koch, Diana Abshire ask for prayer for her friend Kimmy, Teresa Fitzgerald-Yarbrough and two other fur babies Mommies have Auto Immune Disease along with other diseases such as Lupus and cancer and we ask that you guide each of these mentioned in the way you would have them go and walk beside them as they continue to heal. Lord we lift up Miss Jenna Jones for your healing as she has been battling Aids for 9 years. Lord we ask for a special prayer for all the animals that are abused or homeless and in shelters waiting for someone to -love them and give them a forever home. Lord we ask that you bestow a special blessing on the homeless humans and those that are staying in shelters. Lord please keep your healing hand on those that need it. In memory of those who can never come home. The Warriors, the men and women whose courage and determination, whose loyalty and dedication to their country demanded the ultimate sacrifice. You are the ultimate heroes, and your precious light will shine forever in the minds, the hearts, and the lives of freedom you have provided for us. May heaven hold you in its embrace, as we shall always hold you in our heart. Lord keep our service men and women safe as they continue the fight on foreign soil to keep us free at home here in the United States of America. Lord, we give you all the praise and glory for this day and for all the blessing that you have bestowed upon us. Remember for all of you praying and waiting...He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Keep holding on and looking up and believing His promises. Be ready with eager anticipation for what He is working on your behalf! Merciful Father, through Your Son & our Savior, Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Spirit, we knock, we seek, we ask, & we trust that You will bring these needs and all our intentions to a happy resolution. Praise You, Lord. Our God is an awesome God who answers prayer. Lord we thank you for walking with us this day. Thank you Father God for Your precious Son Jesus Christ who died and rose again so we may live and find salvation through Him. Please bring America to you as a true Nation Under God once again. You know the needs of each, Father. We ask for you to hear the silent cries and prayers. In Jesus holy precious name we pray. Amen
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:09:05 +0000

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