Wednesday Devotional - 11/6/2013 What If I Make the Decision - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Devotional - 11/6/2013 What If I Make the Decision This Time? Before I became a Christian, I would date on a whim. If there was mutual attraction, then I would engage in the dating process. I dated through my eyes and would let time tell if we would continue on further. Every relationship ended because there was something not right as we were incompatible in multiple areas. After I accepted the Lord, my outlook on dating changed. Before I went on a date with someone, I would pray for the Lord to show me if this person was the one He had for me. Within 30 minutes of our date, He would let me know the person sitting across the table was not her. More times than necessary, I would think God was wrong and continue to go on more dates with someone, only for Him to make His point on His decision. Finally, I let go and let Him bring the person to me. It wasn’t a process that happened overnight; instead, it took a year and a half for God to bring me my bride. You see, all the other girls were not Christians. I was trying to hold on to my old nature and look at a girl through my eyes, but God wanted more for me. He needed to show me His way of looking at someone, to change my way of thinking, and to look at someone through His eyes. He brought me a beautiful woman, with a beautiful heart, and a beautiful love for Him. Paul was reminding the church of Corinth how important it was to not be unequally yoked. They needed to be reminded exactly who they were and what their new nature was. Second Corinthians 6:15-16 states, “And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God...” Paul was comparing their relationships to idols in the temple of God—they do not belong there and definitely not in our lives either. The day we let go of the old life and began a new one with Jesus, we received a new nature and our relationships are a reflection of our new nature. We may want to hold on to a relationship, friendship, lifestyle, or entertainment, but we now have a new way to look at them. God wants the best for us and He will always give us His best. We might try to prove Him wrong, but in the end it will be us that are wrong. God will let us know when something is not right. It may not be easy, but we need to let go of it. We can then look back and glorify Him for making our life so much better. Nathan Garza Copyright © 2013 Wildwood Calvary Chapel Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 13:51:22 +0000

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