Wednesday Devotional - 8/14/13 "Our Own Worst Enemy" In our - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Devotional - 8/14/13 "Our Own Worst Enemy" In our journey as husband and wife, Rod and I have truly experienced great opportunities to serve the Lord. For example, there was a time we had the privilege to serve in Hawaii. On one particular Sunday morning there, while heading to church, Rod was moved to tears as we waited for the signal to change. What was wrong? His answer to me was surprising—the Lord had just asked him if he was willing to leave everything back home in California to live in Maui. I, too, was touched and my heart was certainly moved. Rod didn’t even blink an eye; he was ready and raring to go, but I, on the other hand, was reluctant. I began questioning and looking for a way out. I was eager in my spirit; yet, reluctant in my flesh. Reality hit me: I had children, I had grandchildren, friends, and the list went on and on. During this time of seeking the Lord, particularly on my behalf, I heard many sermons on Jonah and the great fish, and for months I rehearsed this passage. Rod would look over at me; nothing had to be said, the sermon spoke for itself. The time quickly approached and passed right on by. Not only was my heart suffering for not being obedient, but Rod’s heart suffered as well. However, the story doesn’t end here! Paul describes a change in plans in First Corinthians 16:8-9, when he writes, “But I will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost. For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” Paul left all his plans up to the will of the Lord. He planned to visit Corinth, but things certainly happened differently than what he had intended. Paul saw that God had given him an opportunity right then, in Ephesus, for him to experience the success of the ministry—the “door” was open. Paul wisely relied not on his own desires, but on God’s open doors. He knew that opposition often accompanies opportunities and sometimes it’s not others that oppose us, sometimes it can be ourselves—our own worst enemy. The word “door” is used clearly to signify an occasion or an opportunity for doing something. It is the means by which we have entrance or access, and therefore it represents the ability in doing something when there is no obstruction. In our situation, we understood that when we are challenged by our adversaries, even if it’s oneself, it’s a pretty good indication of God’s presence at work. Today, step out of the way, don’t be the hindrance to what God wants to open, and do the work while the work can still be done. Debbie Croley Copyright © 2013 Wildwood Calvary Chapel Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:46:45 +0000

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