Wednesday Devotional WHO SETS YOUR BOUNDARIES? NUMBERS 34:2 - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Devotional WHO SETS YOUR BOUNDARIES? NUMBERS 34:2 ...WHEN YOU COME INTO THE LAND OF CANAAN, WHICH I AM GIVING YOU AS INHERITANCE (SPECIAL POSSESSION), THESE WILL BE THE BOUNDARIES. Commentary: How good are you in setting boundaries for your life? Do you stick to the boundaries you set for yourself or do you often trespass them? Today, consider Gods infinite wisdom in setting the boundaries of the Promised Land - your Promised Land, that is. Listen, the Israelites knew what territory was theirs to care for and defend, they also knew how far to go without being overwhelmed by their enemies. Likewise my friend, God gives you boundaries for your life and conduct. These are established before you go into situations even adversities so that your honor and person is protected. The question remains: Who is setting your boundaries - you or God? Have you developed the habit of allowing God set the borders for your life? Decisions and choices can be tough sometimes but not when God is at the center of them. Consider these parameters for your life: if the boundary you want to set is honesty, you will not be tempted when situations lend themselves to dishonesty. If you set sanctification as your boundary; you will not be tempted when situations lend themselves to compromising holiness and Godliness. In each of these cases, dabble into any form of compromise, and you may wander into precarious terrain before you even realize it. Listen to this from Deuteronomy 23:14 The camp (borders) must be holy, for the Lord your God moves around in your camp to protect you and to defeat your enemies. He must not see any shameful thing among you, or He might turn away from you. Friend, when you allow God establish your boundaries, your primary responsibility is to ensure that you stay within that boundary, care for it and defend it. Trouble comes each time you trespass into the unprotected territories that God has not established for you. As long as you stay within the borders of your Promised Land, God will fend for you. Otherwise, you are risking the blessings of your Promised Land (He that breaks the fence, the snake will bite,,). Today, allow God to set your defendable boundaries. You will find that His wisdom guarantees you peace and prosperity in your Promised Land. REMEMBER: YOU ARE GODS BEST - PRECIOUS AND CHOSEN! Apostle Paul Egbulefu, Th.D Please prayerfully support our worldwide outreaches
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 04:02:01 +0000

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