Wednesday Group: We have a 35-45 minute meditation - guided or - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Group: We have a 35-45 minute meditation - guided or silent depending on the pulse of the group each week. We then have a Dharma talk or reading and discussion. There is also time to share/discuss practice stuff or other desired topics. We sit Wednesday nights at Yoga Shala North- 3808 North Williams (a block north of Fremont). The 44 bus line stops right in front. We meet from 7-9 PM. When you get to the Shala, just stop by the front counter and let them know that you are there for D-Punx (as always we are on a strict donation only system-never a cost to sit with us-but if generosity is a part of your practice....) and come on back. They do have some cushions and chairs for us to use, but feel free to bring your own. A big thank you to Jody and the good folks of Yoga Shala for their generosity of allowing us to sit in their beautiful space on a donation basis. We ask for a minimum donation of $2 or more, but no one ever turned away because of lack of funds! We start at 7 and end right at 9. This Wednesday we are going to start a new series, loosely based on Tricycles Commit to Sit .We will start out with the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta), this week we are going to talk about mindfulness of Emotions. We will probably spend a couple of weeks on this topic, as there is so much there! After the 4 Foundations we will explore the Hindrances to practice and go in to some practical off the cushion exercises to work with the practice. Nice and slow! We wont be reading the reading from the E-book, Heather will provide other reading on each of the subject matters for us to go through together. Here is the reading from last week on mindfulness of the Body (as it relates to all 4 Foundations of Mindfulness). Check out the link if you missed it . Looking forward to seeing those of you that can make it tomorrow. Local Special Events: The Buddhas Basic Teachings Six Tuesdays, March 18-April 15 at Portland Friends of the Dhamma 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. This six-part class series offers a solid introduction to the Buddhas core teachings, which date back 2,600 years. Those teachings are very practical and down to earth, yet surprisingly radical. As a general framework, well use the Buddhas four noble truths, which contain all his other essential teachings as well. This is not just a lecture series but an opportunity to investigate these remarkable teachings together. The class meets every Tuesday night, March 18th through April 15th, from 7 to 9:00. The address is 2514 SE Madison Street, one block north of Hawthorne. This series is offered without charge; donations to Friends of the Dhamma are gratefully received. Matthew Grad will be teaching. You can contact him here. Amma Thanasanti visiting Portland Rose City Rebel Dharma Group May 7th Inline image 1 Amma Thanasanti Bhikkhuni has been meditating for 35 years and a Buddhist nun for 25 years. In 2009, after 20 years in monasteries associated with the Ajahn Chah Forest Tradition, she returned to the US and founded Awakening Truth, an organization whose mission is to share essential teachings and develop new ways monastics and lay practitioners can work together in our modern world with the eventual aim of creating a Bhikkhuni training monastery and Dhamma village. Amma’s work spans rigorous understanding of Buddhist teachings, depth psychology, subtle body somatics, non-dual meditation that utilizes nature and unconditioned love as access to the Divine Feminine. She cannot be easily categorized. She blends rigor of early Buddhist teachings, with gentle loving encouragement to find your own way - finding a balance between fierce holding of the Dhamma and compassion, tenderness and empowerment. She is based at the Shakti Vihara hermitage in Colorado Springs, Colorado Buddhist Hangout Sangha: Looking for a social group of like-ish minded Buddhists to hang out with? Check out this Buddhist Hangout Sangha. There will be frequent casual hangouts, for folks to have an opportunity to be social outside of a meditation group! RETREATS: Great Vow Monastery event calendar: Cloud Mountain For retreats in 2013 and 2014 at Cloud Mountain go here! Awesome place and community in Portland! Portland Friends of The Dhamma:
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:04:04 +0000

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