Wednesday, January 14, 2015 SUD MTAU 1 - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, January 14, 2015 SUD MTAU 1 Deutschland Queen Merkel, Angela, other political and religious leaders who gathered for the Brandenburg Gate Vigil on Tuesday, vow NOT to ALLOW THEIR FAITH [ ON THEIR HOME SOIL TO ] BE HIJACKED BY RADICALS. 2 GT [ Global Threats ] a Cyber It has been determined that a British who once hacked the personal address book of ex United Kingdom King [ Prime Minister PM ] Blair, Tony was behind the formation of the CyberCaliphate that hacked US CENTCOM Twitter and You Tube accounts. The creator of CyberCaliphate so named is Hussain, Junaid [ 20 ] who was JAILED then for the PM Blair hack. In the time, plans to tighten cybersecurity was accepted and announced by King Obama. b RIT i EOF [ Eye Of Five ] nations of the BACAN: Britain [ UK ] America [ US ] Canada Australia New Zealand plan a London meeting NEXT WEEK to [ re ] strategise anti - terror efforts. Canadas Public Safety Minister Blaney, Steven: We are going to have a meeting with our Five Eyes allies in London....and this is serious stuff. Terrorism will be there. The meeting would happen on January 22 amongst the globes elite Intelligence - sharing nations, the BACAN. ii One terrorist in the January 07 - 09 attacks on France did CITE the French INVOLVEMENT in ANTI - ISIS AIRSTRIKES as his MOTIVATION for the carnage. Tuesday, the French Parliament RESPONDED. By a whooping 488 votes, it approved the EXTENSION of French military presence in Iraq against ISIL. There was ONLY one vote against. #Notice a MEANS to STRENGTHENING Paris HARD ANTI - TERROR COMBAT globally and at home. Justapose this on Germanys as found in January 13 SUD, and you NOTICE the SLOW but STEADY French - German ENTRANCE into the war on terror. Expect this trend to continue to the duo becoming the DOMINANT anti - RIT combat states, globally. iii Tuesday, a suicide bomb went off outside a mosque in Gombe, Northeast Nigeria: casualty 16 with 2 fatalities. iv Baron Evans of Weardale [ ex MI5 chief ] warned that Britain RISK vigilantism hence security measures require upgrading; some US Muslims are in arms, seeking to SUE the the New York Police Deparment over Surveillance of Mosque File; French Satirical Weekly Le Canard Enchaîné, reportedly, received death threats on January 08, just hours post the Charlie Hebdo terror attack. The warning noted that Le Canard Enchaîné would be axed to pieces and shot with Kalashnikovs. #Terrorism battling anti - terror measures; CONTAINMENT, getting outsripped this moment. c WMD Deputy Ambassador of North Korea to the United Nations An Myong Hun: The government of the DPRK [ North Korea ] is ready to explain its intention behind this [ DPRKs offer to SUSPEND its nuclear tests IF the US would quit military drills with South Korea ] proposal directly to the United States. Were ready for that if the United States wants additional explanation about our proposal....By refusing to accept our proposal..the United States has shown once again that they will continue to increase attack military capabilities in South Korea while requesting us not to have our own national defense capabilities. This is absolutely unacceptable and cannot be justified. An was speaking @ a UN news conference. 3 The FIRST edition of Charlie Hebdo post the January 07 terror attacks is out TODAY; 3 million copies made. 4 THL a For the FIRST time, the Simon Wiesenthal Center report on attacks on Jews, focussed on occurrences in the US Midwest. The report was released yesterday. b Possible NEXT Knesset Labour membership per Labour primaries: 1 st Herzog, Isaac; 2 nd Yacimivich, Shelly c An Israeli government - commissioned poll found that 45 percent of Jews in Europe BELIEVE their future does NOT lie in Britain while 60% are apprehensive of being FORCED OUT OF EUROPE. 5 Global Oil prices fell > 1 % today. February Brent Crude LCOc1 sold @ $45.80 this 0726 GMT, having slid some 79%, for example. 6 Ghana Central Medical Store burnt to the ground. The World Health Organisation WHO - FDA Food and Drug Authority [ board ] approved Storage Facility @ Tema, Ghana, got gutted by fire. It is the BIGGEST drug STORAGE and DISTRIBUTION outlet in Ghana. The facility was NOT INSURED. b Cape Coast and environs is to benefit from water all year round from a € 20 million EU [ Netherlands ] water project, meant to supply some 6 million gallons of water at end of the project for Cape Coast alone, projected for December 2015. The President did the sword - cutting for the project meant to be nearly done by 24 months. It is a Ghana - Netherlands water project. 7 An Indian - born Catholic priest who in the 17th century sneaked into Sri Lanka, disguised as a beggar, and HELPED MAINTAIN ROMAN CATHOLICISM therein only to be jailed but would die later in 1711 post release, is the FIRST saint from Sri Lanka. His canonization was made by Pope Francis, during his SECOND VISIT to Asia. The Pope was in South Korea for the FIRST Asian visit in 2014, and now in Sri Lanka. MT Ghanas Central Medical Store FIRE, a classic sequel to the Ghanaian attitude that does NEARLY EVERYTHING JUST ANYHOW. Happening JUST DAYS POST IMPORTED ECG METRES GETTING SIMILARLY BURNT @ AN [ ABANDONED ] PRIVATE WAREHOUSE, ALSO NOT INSURED, IS VERY TELLING OF WHAT IS THE GHANAIAN, in gross! They, who would LEARN what lessons are found herein, would do so. GM, and do expect the next SUD on Monday.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:22:46 +0000

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