Wednesday, July 16, 2014 AM - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, July 16, 2014 AM Rev. Diana P. Cherry Exhortation. Have to obey from the heart. Never easy to obey. Don’t want to do it automatically. We are 2/3 natural and 1/3 spiritual. Born in disobedience and sin and shaped in iniquity. Need to be obedient. Requires time, energy, and effort. Being saved doesn’t make you obedient. Must be taught to obey God from the heart. Obedience is key to successful life, provisions, favor, and grace of God. Don’t expect anything from Him if not obedient. Must obey all Seven Spiritual Principles. When we obey as Christians, failure is permitted response. Walk in Seven Spiritual Principles. Romans 6, name of church is derived from there. Used to be dead in sin. Romans 6:9 Not bound by sin. V.17 Were but not now. Obey doctrine that delivered us from old life style. All ought to be based on what we are given by Jesus Christ. Doctrine of God was given to Jesus Christ; Jesus gave it to apostles; apostles gave it to early church; early church gave it to us. New Testament church, put in Bible, given to preacher, given to us. Doctrine is passed down and we have that same doctrine that God gave. Theology and obeying Word of God. Episcopal Pastor has 33 years with unchanging doctrine given to From The Heart Church. Be crystal clear on doctrine of God and theology of From The Heart. Obey proven theology passed to us by doctrine of God. We have proven theology but there’s nothing wrong with many others. Maximize every area of life. Theology organizes, simplifies, and makes clear the vision in every From The Heart Church. Teaches us how to worship God and be effective witness. Others practice in other ways. Must know what obedience is. Hear under, abide under. We have firm vision, plan, motivation from the heart. Conform to, heed to, obey authority, submission to, and apply. Love to hear with mind to obey. Hearts need to be clean and clear. We must relinquish right to choose another option. We have infallible doctrine and proven theology. Don’t need to buy books about doctrine in the Book. Live productive life, leave deposit, and raise productivity of others. Read the Book. Not seek to challenge, change, nor compromise what we have been taught. Do what you know to do. When we question, we look for way out to do it our way. It is written. Obey. Only one From The Heart vision, many emphasis of ministries. No brand new vision but build on God’s vision. You don’t have a private vision. Develop an “I can do” attitude. I’ll make the adjustment. Develop immediate response to instructions. Become disciplined to God. When we obey, we cause others to obey. Make God look good. When we obey, we provoke others to obey God. Causes blessings of God when we obey. If we struggle, we don’t know Seven Spiritual Principles, doctrine, and theology. Obedience is to reward our lives. We must desire to obey God and those God has set over us. Give up what has not worked and will never work. It’s not about us but about Him and His will. Episcopal Pastor John A. Cherry Spiritual instructions of church. Maximize what we have spiritually. We have a good local church. No church is perfect. We get so concerned about what we’re doing that we forget why. Don’t forget why. To glorify God and get others to come to know Jesus Christ. Disturbances are caused by people who forget why. Don’t be upset with leadership change. Know why in church. Always look for best in person. Easy to form an negative opinion but look for the best. Give them a little break. Every church and every person has strengths, weaknesses, and problems. If not, doesn’t have a purpose. With everyone that joins church, there’s strengths, weaknesses, and problems. Accentuate strengths, strengthen weaknesses, and solve problems by Word of God. Every church trusts God, leadership, and each other. Respond properly to others even when they are wrong. Obey from the heart. Have a mind to work and then conflict comes. Local church is a body of believers assembled together by Holy Spirit. God preorchestrated for you to be here. You are part of a great puzzle. Find missing parts so vision will be complete. Nothing wrong with local church. Nothing wrong with you pastor. Holy Ghost preaches, not your pastor. If you’re in the wrong, repent. Church has a good vision. We have infallible doctrine. John 7:16 Jesus’ doctrine came from God. Matthew 7:28 Son of God lived in Son of man trusting doctrine of God. John 17:20 gave doctrine to apostles. V.20 Acts 2:42 Gave to early church. They wrote vision and made it clear in New Testament. 2 Timothy 3:16 New Testament to pastors. Romans 10 Faith comes by hearing Word of God thru pastor. Hear from God thru your pastor. Listen with mind to hear from God. Ask God with a clean heart to speak to you thru your pastor. God is a straight line God. 2 Corinthians 3:3 You become a walking Bible. Give it to ones that don’t come to church. Don’t let your heart and attitude hurt your local church. Don’t let anyone dump on you, not a garbage disposal. Take complaints to pastor. Be at forefront for reformation of church. Church is not black, not American but worldwide. My responsibility is to preach the gospel and God’s responsibility is to reform the church. God brought thousands from around the world that think just like us. God has a system. Not about you but concerns you. Who am I to oversee church around the world? God is cementing our hearts together. Internet motivates us to do message. Holy Spirit knows what’s happening in church. If you think message is directed to you, it is. Purpose is what we’re going to do. Objective is how to carry out purpose. Goal is what you want to do. Systematic plan. Theology has vision, plan, and motivation and gives church clear direction. Simplifies it. Oversight is to look over and see. Proven theology will produce spiritual growth. Listen to pastor to grow with him. Proven theology will produce physical growth and financial growth. Not spiritual giant because you tithe. We have unity of faith. Unity of faith has already been established. We step into unity of faith and step out of world. Bond of peace. Step into body of Christ. God looks at you thru His Son Jesus. His blood flows thru us and cleanses us from unrighteousness. Critical to stay in body, mind, and Spirit of Christ. Rebuke, reprove, and instruct. Where there is no peace, God is not there. Peace is where Spirit of God is. Prince of Peace. Kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven. Kingdom of heaven is established in heart. Kingdom of God is total system of existence. Kingdom of heaven is established in heart. Both have to reside in your heart. If kingdom of God is in heart, you are citizens of kingdom of heaven. It’s what is in heart that matters. #1 We have a good local church. #2 We have infallible doctrine. Bible is Word of God. Pray and God will clear it up for you. We say things nicer than what God says it to us. #3 We have a proven theology, how we practice what we believe. Theology was never to separate us. Don’t get hung up on theology. #4 We have unity of faith. #5 We have rightly divided Word of God. Seven steps to divide Word of God: #1 Ask who God is talking to. #2 Ask what God is talking about. #3 Ask how it relates to you. #4 Ask is Scripture fulfilled, for end time, or now. It may never relate to you. #5 Can you find it in life and teachings of Jesus Christ? Guard your heart or preachers will have you doing all kinds of funny stuff. 2 Corinthians 9 Give according to Scripture and God will supply need. Don’t give out of necessity. Relate things. #6 Is it in line with teachings and life of Jesus’ unchanging nature? God has an unchanging nature. You become what you hear. False prophets are very gifted people. 2 Corinthians Satan trains his ministers well and we can’t discern with our natural mind. Get control of your mind. More about mind than spirit. Get saved thru mind. Have to change mind. Mind is only thing that separates us from animal. If it doesn’t sound right, it probably isn’t right. Pastor Quentin Smith -Charlotte, N.C. 1 John; 3 John; Hebrews 10; Proverbs 3; 1 John How to receive truth from the heart. Heart has to allow truth to come in and control lives. Stops us from being carnal, confused, bound, or conditional. Need God’s Spirit to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. Need to know truth. #1 Must be able to trust truth and walk in truth. Goal is to maximize and strengthen thru the truth. If you don’t have truth, you have nothing. Truth is anything said or done that Holy Spirit can bear witness to. 1 John 5:6; 3 John 1-4 Only care about truth in heart. Need truth from the heart and into heart. Bible doesn’t mean a thing unless it’s in your heart. Have to spend time with Lord and know Him to get truth in heart. Close, personal, intimate relationship. Knowing truth will help you receive it. Are you a worshipper? Have truth in heart. Worship in Spirit and truth. Hebrews 10 Get high on truth, not everything else. Truth is intoxicating and stimulating. V.21 We have a high priest, and it’s not our Episcopal Pastor. We respect him and his office but he’s not the high priest. V.22 Whatever you practice that’s what you become good at. #2 We need to trust truth and not just when it’s convenient. Of you don’t trust truth from the heart, you can’t trust God. Must trust leadership. Trust is hard to regain once it’s broken. If pastor is messing me up, God is going to get him, not me. Trust each other. T is for takes ownership of life. R is for rely on it. U is for uphold the truth. S is for sanctify in heart. T is for testify of truth. Proverbs 3:1-4 God gave me favor because I was able to trust God and man. V.5-6 If you can’t trust your pastor, you need to leave. Pastor telling the truth and I can accept it. Walk in truth, end result. Some walk faster than others but all need to be walking. True men have truth in heart and walk in truth.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:16:18 +0000

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