Wednesday July 9ths vibration (9+7+2+0+1+4) = 23/5. The vibration - TopicsExpress


Wednesday July 9ths vibration (9+7+2+0+1+4) = 23/5. The vibration of 5 enables the regenerative process, and creates the cycle of seed, flower and fruit in nature. Notice how many flowers have 5 petals. The flower transforms into the fruit, which contains seeds. So the seeds of CHANGE can be sown today, ones that will flourish into a new way of living for you. This could be a change of mind, of long-held beliefs, or a change of direction, but at the heart of what might seem like an initial upset, a transformation is underway, and a deeper understanding of self is the new destination. its a shedding of one skin and the emergence of another. 5’s energy calls on you to be adaptable and ready for anything because, indeed, anything can happen, and it is this element of surprise that the 5 thrives upon. With 5 comes rapid communication, we have Mercury aligning with 5’s vibration, and so messages come thick and fast when 5 appears, and you need to take heed of them, to balance your mind and listen to them. With the vibration of 23/5, the themes of balance, discrimination, and choice are highlighted. Discrimination is the key word with 5’s energy, absorb all the information available to you now and then do your own research, weigh things up and decide. Quick decisions can be made today, you suddenly see the light! Contracts can be agreed, all for real mutual benefit, there is a very clear and protective energy about 23/5. The King of Wands is the 23rd Tarot card, he sits firmly on the 4 corners of manifestation, grounded, while looking to the future, changing his point of view. The salamander staff of fire he holds shows that he wields his creativity with integrity, honesty, clarity and absolute purpose. He echoes the spiritual authority symbolised in the5th card, the Hierophant, also a religious/spiritual leader, a figure-head of wisdom and tradition. He sits on a throne between two pillars, like the High Priestess, his counter-part, but where she is the hidden esoteric aspect of spiritual knowledge, the Hierophant is the outer image, the expresser of spiritual beliefs. Today can mark a turning point in your life that articulates an important period of growth and evolution for you, a summing up of one phase and now clearing the path for the next steps in a new direction. While this may feel a little scary at first and make you apprehensive about what the future may bring, bear in mind that all these changes are natural and benefit your own personal evolution. Take a deep breath, and then go with the flow. Change is inevitable with the 5, resistance is futile! The deeper symbolism of 5’s energy takes us into self-discovery, our own personal identity is under scrutiny with 5 defining the self through the 5 senses: knowing who we are by defining our likes and dislikes. Who you thought you were may not actually be who you discover you are when the 5 vibration reverberates: are you ready to embrace the new you?! Enjoy your day everyone! Rosalind Pape. Visit the PERSONAL MANDALAS page daily to read the daily date vibration reports! Daily vibe/mandala/tarot posts by Rosalind Pape @ https://facebook/PersonalMandalas blueprint4creation https://facebook/PersonalMandalas/photos/pb.145451122158186.-2207520000.1404880792./696386977064595/?type=1&theater
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 04:42:33 +0000

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