Wednesday, March 26 - Extending unconditional love But Ruth - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, March 26 - Extending unconditional love But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. - Ruth 1:16 I cant help but wonder what is going through Ruths mind at this juncture in her life. Why would she cling to Naomi? And why would the God that Naomi worshipped become her God? Naomi was in Moab because of the famine in Israel, which in the eyes if the peoples of that day meant that God had abandoned or was punishing His people. She had no husband or sons to protect and care for them. There was no welfare system in place to help sustain their lives. The road back to Bethlehem was treacherous, especially for two women traveling alone. From a worldview perspective, which by-the-way is always a selfish perspective, she had nothing going for her to go back to Bethlehem with this destitute woman. The door was flung open to respectfully turn and walk away. Yet, against all human reasoning, she chose to follow Naomi. One can only then surmise that there was something very special about Naomi. Something had caused Ruth to sacrifice all that could be to follow genuine love. If Naomi exhibited this kind of unconditional love for her and her other sons wife, then maybe the God of Israel and the people of Israel was something she also wanted in her life. Orpah turned and went back and was never heard of again. Ruth went forward and became a part of something far bigger than herself, even had she returned and became the queen of Moab. She followed genuine, unconditional love that resulted in finding the lavish expressed love of God. Naomis God became Ruths God in more ways than one. And she got there because someone loved her there. Naomi was not bound to this foreign woman. They were bonded in love. How do I draw that one in a foreign land to God? By extending genuine love. The only thing that compels me to do that is the resident love of Christ. Hollow extensions of love does not do that. That person must see it in the eyes that actually make contact with theirs and feel the genuineness of a warm handshake or hug. No person is drawn to Christ without first extending unconditional love, starting today.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 10:53:15 +0000

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