Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 7:49 PM David Kavanamur and - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 7:49 PM David Kavanamur and Misty Baloiloi: Identifying The Principle Government Obstructionists In Unitech Saga By OHE Insider The recent nicknames of Destructor General of Higher Education , Korupt Kavanamur and Koward Kavanamur are proof enough that other smart minds have figured out who is one of the premiere higher government obstructionists in the Unitech Saga, spilling out into the open what those within OHE knew all along. It is none other than OHE Director General David Kavanamur, working in a loose conspiracy with Misty Baloiloi, to put up an endless series of delays and obstacles in the hopes of convincing VC vice chancellor Albert Schram to give up and go home. Some of the manufactured “reasons” why Schram should not come back were laughable, the most hilarious being David Arore’s pronouncement last December that Dr Schram was “a threat to national security”. A “reason” that was given, of course, without any substantiating evidence! The Delilah Gore full page advertisements stating to the nation such misinformation as the Unitech boycott being “unprecedented” in the history of PNG and the world, was the work of David Kavanamur. Threats made to Unitech students that a State of Emergency would be called, that police would be sent in, that it was impossible for Schram to come back because of legal obstacles, and that the school year would be cancelled and OHE scholarships would be withdrawn if students did not immediately return to class, did not come out of Minister Gore’s mind. They were all the work of David Kavanamur, in some cases assisted by Misty Baloiloi. But don’t believe my words. Demand that the government establish a formal Commission of Inquiry to not only investigate corruption at Unitech going back to the mid 2000’s, but also corruption at UPNG. The commission must investigate why Unitech Saga was not resolved over a year ago and specifically, who caused the blocking of VC Albert Schram’s entry and work visa within the Department of Foreign Affairs and who within HERST caused unnecessary delay in resolving Unitech Saga, as well as the countless contradictory statements made by Ministers Arore and Gore. A commission of inquiry along the lines just mentioned will reveal the hidden hands of David Kavanamur in HERST, and Misty Baloiloi and others within the Prime Minister’s Department and display to the entire nation the extent of corruption in our institutions of higher learning and in OHE itself. Most importantly, the results of the commission of inquiry must be made public, just as they would be if they were conducted in Australia or New Zealand. There can be no more hiding behind secret inquiries as has occurred with the Sevua report, whose terms of reference only allowed the tip of the iceberg of Unitech corruption to be addressed. The humiliation that both the two HERST ministers as well as the Prime Minister have gone through over the Unitech Saga was caused by the purposely biased advice of advisors Kavanamur and Baloiloi. While O’Neill and Arore certainly had friends to protect in Unitech Saga which motivated them to take action to engage in coverups and delays, in the end both Baloiloi and Kavanamur fooled O’Neill and Arore in the same way that perpetual Indian conman Narayan Gehlot fooled Philip Stagg and Saulep into thinking he was offering sound advice that would result in the end of Schram. In all cases, the ‘advisor’ was providing purposefully biased information designed not to serve the nation nor the government, but to deserve themselves and their hatred for the man whose explorations of Unitech finances caused the blowup that now shows the nation all the dirty laundry that is stored within OHE and our public universities. Baloiloi and possibly one or two others in the Prime Minister’s department were responsible for misleading Prime Minister O’Neill to make statements that contradicted each other. Not only did these contradictory statements make the Prime Minister look foolish if not downright silly, it was one of several important inspirations for factions within the government that encouraged them to start making moves to unseat O’Neill and take over the government. A commission of inquiry must be established by the government to reveal the inner workings that led to the Unitech Saga fiasco going on for more than a year. A few select, impeccably honest members of OHE and Unitech must work together to develop the terms of reference, with the approval of Unitech and UPNG SRC officers. For this important task that demands impeccable honesty and commitment to seeking truth and justice, David Kavanamur, John Pumwa and of course former VC Baloiloi need not app
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 10:38:54 +0000

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