Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Tonight, we’re official. - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Tonight, we’re official. Our annual Charge Conference meets, which in our part of the church is the ‘big business and accountability meeting.’ When I was a younger pastor, I dreaded them. Now, our Pastoral Assistants, David and Jane have their turns with ‘dread.’ They get most of the many reports together. And there are many reports. Some important, some, well, part of the system! At these meetings, we set the budget, including our salaries (I’ve been instructed about mine to just say, “Thank you,” and stop the “that’s too much for my worth” business. I’ll try) We’ll elect our leaders for the year, and a biggie is make recommendation as to whether my role as Senior Pastor given my illness and having to pull back some, should be continued. Thus far, continuing seems a good possibility. But you know what? I want to be active and involved as long as it’s “good for the Body (of Christ),” but am ready to step aside when it’s time for another to step into my place. And we’ll make reports on existing ministries, and take time to think and feel out new ministries, and see how we can do what we do better. Here we are, an inner city crew of about four or five hundred active members (some ‘off and ons’ among us),* thriving with strong worship, amazing fellowship, radical inclusiveness, and a number of ministries in the church neighborhood, at the school across the street, at others all over Jackson, plus giving support in so many other areas of service too numerous to put down here. “Our records on a church like this,” said one well known urban sociologist, “are that you cannot exist or do what you are doing.” We appreciate the compliment. That we’re doing anything we’re doing is God’s stuff though us, not ours. If we’re only about our business, we’re sure to close down. If about the Father’s, ways will be made for the “works of him that sent us” (John 9; 4) to go on. And we will remember our sacred dead, and new comers into our life as a congregation. We will also note those lost to us as ways of understanding caused change. Our integrity doesn’t come with ‘sugar coating,’ it comes from plain honesty. Most of our Charge Conferences have been positive, fun, and good (it’s a pot luck supper to begin). Some have had difficult and hard to deal with moments. That’s the way it is if you are trying to do something. If it’s the same old thing the same old way, it may be easier, quieter, and less of a call to practice faith, hope, and love in very real ways. However it is, is how it will be. The Good News is that ‘however it is,’ God is with us. Please pray for our meeting this evening. We’ll think about your church and your equivalent meetings too. In fact, I just stopped and prayed one for you and yours. Peace! Always love, always, Keith *We have more members on the book, but were talking here about in the pew and doing service numbers.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:40:26 +0000

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