Wednesday, November 5, 2008 DISCIPLINE IN THE - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 DISCIPLINE IN THE SCHOOL OF GOD 11.05.2008 Mr. James Edward Johnson Peaceful Warrior What has happened comes from God, it is our opportunity for transformation and preservation of traditions and a different status quo. What once held us back has no affect or effect anymore. We are the children of change and we are about to deal with limitations and challenges, as it involves liberty and idealism. I feel this is manifested because of an unorthodox behavior, for and with, communication, dialogue, opportunities, harmony, and social responsibility. Today, 11.05.2008, I reflect on yesterday which was 11.04.2008, and think that was a day God created for us to rejoice and be glad in it, and all eyes are on America. We are on the threshold of our crossroads to re-invent and reorganize our heads and hearts, for and with, affirmations. I have heard that the number 11 is an holy number, so, I thought and thought, this is the 11th month, there just might be something about this holiness aspect? On the 11th day of this the 11th month, it was veterans day, and I am a Vietnam combat veteran. I felt that people, with differences and dissimilarities are gathering together, like family, as this increase our individual strength, for, our power is magnified by the power of the community, the church; the whole is the sum total of its parts. We are being blessed, we are blessed. What is the power of a guiding force which has led us to a shared vision, since, it is essential to keep the forces of unity together steadily advancing to a common goal. While on this sojourn we expect the unexpected, because, gathered together we are more powerful and more vulnerable, yet, we do not lose our individual interest, of the greater good, in the crowd. We are in a deep state of sensitivity striving for human interest in higher states which propel us into the frontiers of consciousness, and we cannot control the outcome, as this is the ultimate test of each participants integrity to encompass a love for all via compassion, patience, and selflessness; there is sometimes solace of distraction. Affirmations. Most of us practice affirmations; as we are aware that by saying things, in the form of affirmations it solidifies the faith within, as this leads to manifestation. In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. The use of affirmations allow us to break old patterns and paradigms which create positive mental attitudes and combat any negative speak. I have felt and perceived signs from the cosmos, and know, we must maintain openness to perceive the sign and a willingness to act on the message and be thankful for it. What is non-attachment? Perhaps, we must be open to what is offered and possibly that life can be different or better than we imagined, for, it teaches us how to get out of our own way, and to stop limiting the outcomes of our dreams, goals, and wishes to our own limiting ideas. God made 11.04.2008, a powerhouse which joined opposition between authoritative people and radical people into children of change, a collective consciousness empowered with creative power of imagination, inspiration, and energy which arouses our creative initiative allowing our goals, our dreams, and aligning all for the greater good. We persevere, remain focused, and we are not distracted from our goal of Peace and Unity. We are adaptable, tactful, gentle and cautious. We must break through what has been holding us back; our transition is crucial and critical, eventhough, we are not Burlington Northern, but, I bet all of the American people, we can handle it. Since, questions, answers, facts, and information are all likely to get complicated, and sometimes confusing, yet, we must be thankful for our positive influences. Social Responsibility is not only Paramount, but, Universal, as is Justice, Patience, Harmony, and Creativity. We will double check our communications, as our inner voice will be fine tuned, and we are, so, guided by it. Our Father, Who art in Heaven, is asking us, the American people, to stand, despite and inspite, our differences and dissimilarities, because, our growth and maturity involves us to understand, over understand, and discern our I Am. This is quite different from when kisses fall to the floor, and sometimes on the dance floor of politics. And now, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is like a butterfly, elusive, yet, worth pursuing. While in the realm of my P.T. S. D., I realized, I would experience, from life, conflict, confusion, chaos, and confoundedness, because, I, unlike others, felt that the number 13 as blessed, rather than a collective of people viewing 13 as unlucky, as opposed to being blessed, and by sheer coincidence, the concensus is against me, because, of majority rule. America, the world, and the global community, we are all in a sign of transformation which marks our turning point in the process. In addition to harmony and inventiveness we are guided into an aspect which facilitates easy change. This transition point means it is crucial to take advantage of every opportunity. Our spiritual journey has to do with goodness in human nature which extricates greed, hatred, malice, and any other forms of self-absorption, for, we progress only when right-action is taken without concern for reward, because, our awakening is to our not being irresponsible to power, responsibility, good judgement, and financial rewards. We are agents of passion, as it is our destiny to aspire, achieve, acquire, and inspire transformative change. We cannot go back, nor, change what has happened; so, we must move forward with a renewed head and heart empowering us into a collective sense of direction and mindset of purpose. Everyone is thankful, irritating, and erratic which makes it difficult for anyone to remain focused. I feel we must, deeply, connect with one another, despite and inspite of one anothers differences and dissimilarities. Profound issues are raised everyday, pushing and pulling us into intensity; this sets the tone for a collective investigation of the unexplored shadows of our minds, for some this is very difficult territory, yet, the key is to form a cooperative which allows all participants to maintain a healthy perspective, especially with unsolvable mysteries, like, what about the economy? We are peaceful courageous warriors, and ready for righteous action. We enter the White House imaginative and must soften judgemental feelings and open us to compassion. We now need to purposely seek to connect, instead of separating ourselves from others. We are in a healing state which helps to put us in touch with being vulnerable and creates potential for intimacy when we push through fears. We enter Washington, D. C. in our 4th house of $ecurity and the 7th house of partnership, and can participate whether it is viewed an adventure or a misadventure, for, we cannot afford to misinterpret anything, since, holding together carries us to victory, increase, and abundance. Our relationships with one another create our chemistry of shared vision, experiences, and commonalities, as we all must be willing to subordinate our individual desires for the good of the United States of America. Temperance is what we manifest, as it is time for self-healing. Temperance here is for self-control and to be at peace; our adversity is a mirror that reveal ones true self. We are pressured with ongoing tension between progressive thinking and the fear that we cannot go back to our comfortable repressive past. How do we talk about our feelings without being attached; the Scripture speaks of it as, be a part of it, but, not in it; be in it, but, not a part of it. We can embark on a spiritual journey, now, and as pioneers we move boldly forward whether we know where we are going or not. We are blessed with unyielding support and optimism encouraging confidence and vision. What would it be like to tap the wisdom of our dreams? We are challenged by high spirits where we enter into intense emotions of ourselves to deal with that we do not understand. Sleep allows us to enter a passionate state which acknowledges the power beyond words. Could it be that dreams give insight, guidance, advice, dream/fantasy, creativity and esteem. It may be unsettling for some to believe that thoughts can dominate feelings, but, experience offers proof that they do not. My, your, our dream suggests that the messenger awakens the warrior enabling us to communicate, dialogue, feelings in a combative way. We are able to imagine and we move beyond words and are immersed in our dreams. We have capcity for active imagination enabling the vision of our inner journey, yet, it is still an individual task to transform the most spiritual vision into something real. The underlying tension we feel does not have to be negative, yet, suppressing emotions very often increase apprehension, and most people are unable to affect intelligent strategies which enable them to speak about their feelings without being attached; but, by doing so it allows them to grow closer without placing others, or ourselves in an awkward position for having to react in any (un) certain manner. Our overview is a time of composure and comtemplation, it is like a hidden force which emanates from us, influencing others without their awareness; we must not underestimate the power of this force, for, our ability to be still, and observe, deepens our resolve, and attracts good fortune. We must discern the differences between what is deep and what is surface within ones self and the outer world. The (D)evil steadily strives to impede our transcending personality, family, community, and our reputation, but, our soul responds to celestial influence which provides us with a stronger sense of purpose and helps us remember our exalted origin and our attraction to a Higher Union. We are consciously on our way home, in a spiritual sense. We are feeling more serious, more contemplative, and exercise patience with everything and every one, as we expect good news and are happy for no reason. We must find honest ways to express ourselves without losing our temper. We do this via enthusiasm; this form of energy is like powerful music which inspires a great number of people and loosens old constraints, yet, generate new opportunities. The power of enthusiasm is best symbolized by music and dance, but, is guided more by the heart than by the head. We arouse passionate support of others who adjust their ideas and plans to suit our overall need. We dare to create an environment which is free of tension, since, by taking joy in our tasks we harness the power of song and dance (i.e. the dance of the butterfly). It is Gods Will, and we are consciously on our way home, in a spiritual sense.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 09:37:50 +0000

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