Wednesday, October 22, 2014 I was in Greensboro today with - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, October 22, 2014 I was in Greensboro today with Richmond. Around lunchtime I suggested that we have an adventure. To someone with a TBI an adventure can become a nightmare quickly. Our adventure was pretty tame. It involved trying a new (to us) restaurant. We settled into a cozy booth and began to read the menu. Never having been there before, the menus many offerings proved a bit overwhelming for Richmond. He decided on a hamburger and a non-caffeinated drink. Once that hurdle was behind us; we began to chat. In my typical mom-fashion, I started asking questions about his doctors appointment earlier this morning. Richmond cut me off and, rolling his eyes, asked me to stop talking about his injury. Instead, he wanted to talk like normal people having lunch together. Shifting gears, I scrambled to find a safe topic. We settled on talking about my parents and what they meant to us. It filled my heart that he was able to remember how much they loved him and his brothers and sister. Family, really is everything. We even splurged on a piece of decadent chocolate cake! Yes, it was a normal kind of lunch. We didnt solve any world problems, nor debate political views. We didnt argue over parenting styles, nor disagree about family dynamics. We just shared a meal and savored the time together. Life is a gift that keeps on giving. Thank God. Richmond is beginning to talk about returning to work and getting back to the life that he so enjoyed before his accident. He realizes how catastrophic his injury is, but is working hard to retrain his brain. It is difficult but rewarding at the same time to watch him working so hard at recovery. He knows that it will take time. I think that we have turned a corner. On the way home tonight, I reflected on the last six months, as I do each time that I am alone. I pray. I talk to God. I reflect. I sometimes cry a little, not the gut-wrenching sobs of a few months age, but soft weepy tears. Most of all, I thank God for giving all of us the strength to help Richmond get better. He is better and getting more so every day. All of that is pretty normal stuff for a mom. Peace Amen Hillstrong!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 03:29:31 +0000

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