Wednesday Reading: Luke 2:41-52 Key Verse: Luke 2:46 And it - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Reading: Luke 2:41-52 Key Verse: Luke 2:46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. Devotion: One of the questions I continue to ask myself is how could the scholars not know that this was someone so very special when they had Jesus as a small boy discussing things with them! When I hear someone talking with authority about God I do like to listen in to try to find out what makes them the way they are. I know it can be very tiring listening to philosophers talking about all manner of ways of thinking and stuff, but then people who do not understand the Gospel think the same about Christians. We have to be able to reach people at the level they are at and not expect them to be intellectual philosophers or such like. When we talk to others about God we have to talk with them in a way in which they can think straight. Trying to have a conversation with anyone who is upset or frustrated is very hard work because they will throw all sorts of things at you to try and break your train of thought because theirs is so confused. Stick to what you know and try to do it well! Jesus did have inside knowledge and was able to discuss things at the level appropriate for the scholars with which He was talking; we do not have such depth of knowledge until we have read enough or learned enough or until God shows it to us. Getting hung up in thing which you do not fully understand is not a sin; we all have to learn as we grow. Admitting that you do not know and remembering to study up on what you do not know is going to be your strength. Jesus was continuing to learn more as He Himself grew up; He was a human being and so had to learn things as we do. He did not let the world stop Him learning as we do but instead had learned to listen to God and not the world. How great it would be not to be so distracted by the world because we too would be able to pick up and learn all that God gives to us each day. Be patient. Be persistent. Be consistent. Be aware of your own limits, but be courageous to continue growing! Points to Ponder: How much do you remember when you read? Are you still willing to learn?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:19:04 +0000

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