Wednesday: The team is slightly dragging today as we have been - TopicsExpress


Wednesday: The team is slightly dragging today as we have been going non-stop since we hit the ground here in Gulu. But they are still in great spirits! Please keep the team in your prayers as we are tired and some people have some rumbly tummies and such. Thien and Josh stayed back for the day as they werent feeling well and want to be ready for whatever the Lord has the rest of the time here. Tim led the devotional by encouraging us to walk in unity in Christ. It was a good reminder. We also had worship led by our Ugandan friends and a good time of sharing all that God had done the day before. Its always so encouraging to hear how God is moving in out midst. Kiana shared how two of the women she prayed for were healed on the spot and were able to walk away with shoulders straightened and without a walking stick where they couldnt before that. Talene shared how her group she was with prayed for a woman to receive Christ that had had a dream the previous night that she was dancing in her garden with several believers. And yes... they approached the woman while she was in her garden. Cuz God is THAT detailed. Others shared about leading a Muslim man to Christ amongst other stories. SO GOOD. We quickly loaded up to head to the village of Adak which is about 40 or so minutes up the road. We partnered with the Dream Center medical clinic for another medical outeach as well as with Adak Bible Community Church led by Pastor Charles. The Dream Center is an amazing medical clinic with a wonderful staff that were able to see the patients as well as test for malaria, have cervical cancer screenings and more while the RH team hosted the wound care portion and assisted the Dream Center staff fulfiiing prescriptions. Khara Tirabassi oversaw the RH team and is such an asset to have on the ground. The Tirabassis are such an incredible blessing (make sure you keep them in your prayers too!!). While Jared, Abi, and others helped with the prescriptions, Lauren and Tammi began in wound care( with some intense cases right out of the gate, but they handled it like champs!) worship was led, and a few testimonies were shared, and an awesome message was preached by Adam. Many people were prayed for to either receive Christ or for physical, spiritual or inner healing. Tim, Tracy, Nick, Keri, Brenton and Cara were able to have Edwin, the manager on the Dream Center, show them around and talk through all the current projects and ministries as well as more dreams they have. Adak is an incredibly beautiful and peaceful village and God is already doing so much there. Yet, its quite encouraging to hear the vision they have for their people. After the team had a snack on the bus the VBS team was assembled. Unfortunately Tammi did not fell well as did Luke and rested for the remainder of our time in Adak. Lisa, Kayley, Lauren and Tracy began to entertain and play with the loads of children that were present by creating a few long jump ropes and having a blast. Such joy they possess. When the sun got too hot to stand in after some time we began singing songs with a small group of young girls that quickly turned into loads of children teaching and learning Acholi and English songs. So so so fun. A few evangelism teams went out into the village to share the gospel. Nate B./Tracy/Tristin, Nick/Keri/Chris, Jay/Brittany/Lauren each went out with a translator to share the gospel and several people either rededicated their lives, accepted Jesus as their savior or were at the very least prayed for. The worship team, Tammi, Timory and Meg headed back to GBCC for the worship training and the prescriptions continued to be filled by Nate A., Talene, Cara, Sara, Zachariah, and Toby . As the last of the medical care was being given, Sara, Lauren, Nate A., Nick and Tracy went out the Adak Church with Pastor Charles and had the distinct privilege of hearing his heart and then being able to pray for him. We all headed back to the church only to find the worship team doing an incredible job in the trainings. Kiana and Jenna were teaching the choir outside under the tent and they sounded AMAZING! All the other worship leaders were inside the church with the GBCC band. They all seemed pumped at what was transpiring. God is faithful and good. Before dinner, a few of the team (brenton, cara, timoy, toby, tristin, jay, brittany) went swimming at Bohma. We ended our day having dinner back at Chruchill with Jake and Khara as well as Tracy and Jeff Trask. I am happy to report that Thien was feeling much better, but sad to report that Luke, Tammi and Josh were still not feeling well. phew.... i am tired just writing this..... such a full day. a good day.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:08:58 +0000

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