Wednesday Wealth Consciousness Tip: This year I celebrated a - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Wealth Consciousness Tip: This year I celebrated a milestone birthday and as I am doing a mini review of the year and setting my intentions in play for 2015. I am happy with the things I have accomplished so far and looking forward to more satisfying moments. I was having a brief discussion last night with a man about wealth acquisition; basically the Haves vs. the Have Nots. He mentioned the statistics and studies he had been following and the information he has researched shows pretty dismal results for the less advantaged. Well, this may be true from his point of view, but there are numbers and studies out there about people who have risen above their circumstances and situations. The detrimental or wonderful thing about information is you can find all kind of facts to back your personal view on life. If you choose to see the cup 1/2 empty you will info to support your theories. If you choose to see the cup as 1/2 full you will find info to support your theories as well. My point, is where are you placing your focus in life? We all have a story to tell and are rewriting the chapters daily. Take some time today and really decide the direction of your life; we each want something different. My visions and journey are not yours and yours are not mine. We may cross paths from time to time. Question: Are you willing to do the work to make the change? Because, as much as people love to blame others for their life conditions. After a certain age and especially living in a country such as America... you have access to resourses that can help you make a positive difference in your life. It all begins with baby steps and a willingness to stop letting others tell you what you can and cannot achieve. Decide to make the change then, act on the guidance that shows up. It takes awareness and a deep knowing that you will: Have more; be better; and walk in your personal truth. The numbers have very little to do with your destiny. vimeo/110810344
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:32:31 +0000

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