Wednesday!! Youre half way through the week. This was always a - TopicsExpress


Wednesday!! Youre half way through the week. This was always a favorite day in my strange little head. Only because Saturday always worried me. I could make it through the week if I really really tried hard. But the weekends always made me nervous because I wouldnt have the distraction of work. Somehow though, I found Wednesday was always a saving grace. If I felt I had done poorly (or binged like crazy), Monday and/or Tuesday, I could start over Wednesday and still be on track for HOPEFULLY a good weekend. I would typically have a good Wednesday because I had hope I could make it to Friday. OR, if I had done well Monday and Tuesday, I was always excited and proud of me. I would typically have a good Wednesday because I had motivation to get through Friday. I repeated this cycle constantly. Including the crash on a weekend. Most weekends. OH man...if I could MAKE IT through a weekend...I might has well just completed an American Ninja Warrior competition. Again, my worth was measured in grams. How many of what I ate and didnt eat. I was miserable. It would never last. I would lose 20, 30, sometimes 40 pounds, but then at least half of it would come back. Why? Because I would deprive myself for so long that I would cave. And there was a million different reasons why I would cave. I dont need to list them. You already know them all dont you? We judge ourselves on the amount of times we lose the weight that we have regained. Dont you want to stop losing the same 20, 30, 40 pounds? Have you had to RELOSE 100? I DID!!!! I gained 60 back at one point. I gained 110 back at one point! 80 at another. And I cant tell you HOW many times I gained and lost the same 20. Dont you want that to stop happening friends? Its not the amount of times you start over and re-lose that weight. Its about the 1 time you keep going. Its about the 1 time you dont quit. Its about the time you have had enough and you really start changing your food, your view of food and your life!! I cannot help you with a diet. If you are following me because you think I will be able to fix all your food, LCHF, LC, Atkins, macros, ketos, WHATEVER you do, problems,.....then my sweet friends, I will disappoint you. I dont have those answers. Im not a doctor. Im not a specialist. Im not a nutritionist or certified in anything. Like Ive said before, Im just a girl who used to be fat and finally figured it out what it took to really make it this time. You have a choice everybody. Each and every one of you have this choice. You can CHOOSE to repeat that same miserable, lonely, disappointing cycle that some of you have lived for decades. Or you can finally, truly, for REAL this time DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. You can ONLY make this change 1 time. Because your life will never be the same. You can only stop repeating that downward spiral pattern one time. Because until you really change things, until you really do the work, until you fight through those battles instead of constantly giving in, until you take control over food back, my friends, you havent stopped being overweight or miserable. No matter how much weight you lose. All you did was stop being fat for a little while. Because you know that its coming back. It always does. That fear of food turns into pride and arrogance and we think that things really are different now, so we have just this one time. And you know what that first just this one time looks like. SO UNTIL YOU FINALLY DO WHATEVER IT TAKES, UNTIL YOU FINALLY DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT, YOU WILL LIVE THIS CYCLE. Or you end up keeping the weight off but you still measure your worth in grams. Your mind was meant to process more than how many NET CARBS, FIBER, FAT and PROTEIN you have had today!!!! My friends, stop beating yourself up and judging yourself based on a pie chart on your phone. You are SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT!!!!! You can always always always repeat this cycle. But arent you tired? Dont you want a break. So come on. Do something different
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:15:15 +0000

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