Wednesday evening: Terry was taken completely off of sedation - TopicsExpress


Wednesday evening: Terry was taken completely off of sedation late this morning. His intracranial pressures and vital signs remain normal but he hasnt followed any commands such as to open his eyes or squeeze his left hand (his right side is affected) so he remains intubated and on the vent. This could still be from the swelling to the brain. Hes been on a pain patch and that too was removed. His preliminary cultures were negative so theres no infection found so far. His fevers could be neurological. His cardiologist said his heart is in good condition. We will wait and pray for healing and for him to wake up. Ive been off work this week to be at the hospital during the days and my brothers and Jen have been there in the evenings. My mom has gone home for an hour twice but has otherwise stayed since Friday. Yes, weve been through a lot, but from where were sitting with our experiences every day is another day, another day that we havent been given at other times, and that is a privilege to have to be able to pray and do what we can to help Terry. This is the verse that helped my mom yesterday: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3. Donna Terborg-Hershman Andy Terborg Jeff Terborg Jennifer Irby Terborg Lorie Hershman-Reeves Linda Pruitt Julie Walstra Terry Hershman
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 01:23:00 +0000

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