Wednesday in Maputo Up at o-dark-thirty and on the road into - TopicsExpress


Wednesday in Maputo Up at o-dark-thirty and on the road into Maputo...beautiful sunrise. The distance from the OMS Center to the Seminary is only about 15 Kilometers (about 10 miles), but it can take up to two hours if you travel at the wrong time of day. We had coffee,fresh bread and conversation with some of the seminary professors and visited a couple classes. I got to speak in chapel and felt led to preach on The Power of Gods Call...especially important for leaders in such formative stages during seminary. A young man named Hosea (pronounced Ho-say-ish) translated and did a good job...I found out it was the first time hed ever tried to translate! Jose had brought mens neck ties from some of the men in his church. He gave one to all the people at seminary...a fun gift because many pastors still wear them here. In the afternoon our training included a coaching demonstration (with my new friend Hosea as my partner and Melo and Steve serving as translators) and teaching our apprentice coaches the coaching game plan, which in Portuguese is Escutar, Cuidar, Celebrare...Objectivo, Realidade, Opcoes, O que fazer (Listen Care, Celebrate...Objective, Reality, Options, What to do) It went real well. Several times Ive been encouraged by things people have told me: * Our missionary team mate Aimee told us as she drove us home how powerful coaching has been for her in her ministry. * One Mozambican pastor told me that I was speaking my few Portuguese words very well and in a few months I could be speaking the language well. * One of the professors at the seminary told me that he had been using some of my TransforMissional Coaching video clips and my book in a Masters degree class he was taking (always a nice surprise to hear new places where my materials are being used) and how excited he was to hear that I was coming here to his country and his seminary. Those kinds of encouraging words mean a lot. Tonight a meal and heart level conversation with Melvin and Sharon Kelly, one of our OMS couples was a sacred time of listening and caring and coaching some wonderful people. They come from Northern Ireland, have four wonderful small children (Lydia was already in bed when I took their picture) and have wonderful ideas about how to make the Good News of Jesus even more real by serving the disabled and marginalized people of the land. Again...thanks for your prayers. We not only need them...were counting on them!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:07:05 +0000

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