Wednesday the Senate Judiciary Committee held its first hearing on - TopicsExpress


Wednesday the Senate Judiciary Committee held its first hearing on the Voting Rights Act since the Supreme Court gutted the landmark civil rights law last month. Only two Republicans could be bothered to attend the hearing, Senators Grassley and Cruz, neither of whom stayed the full time. It came as no surprise that Cruz praised the Supreme Court’s decision. If Republicans can’t be bothered to even show up for a hearing, it is a sure bet that they intend on doing NOTHING to repair the Voting Rights Act. With their dismal failure at “outreach” to minorities, the Republican goal has shifted to making sure that these potential Democratic voters can’t vote. Consider these staggering facts in North Carolina where they are poised to pass some very strict voting regulations: According to the state’s own numbers, - 316,000 registered voters don’t have state-issued ID; - 34 percent are African-American and - 55 percent are registered Democrats. - Of the 138,000 voters without ID who cast a ballot in the 2012 election, 36 percent were African-American and 59 registered percent Democrats. No agenda here folks. Look the other way. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. TeaPublicans want to steal your right to vote.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:19:18 +0000

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