Wednesdays group game is Pass The Story. Well tell a story, - TopicsExpress


Wednesdays group game is Pass The Story. Well tell a story, involving the details below, by each writing as much or as little as desired; you can even stop mid-sentence. For example: Comment #1: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of... Comment #2: Brussel Sprouts, which they needed to feed all the people who were coming over to Christmas dinner, including... Comment #3: Postman Pat, Stanley Kubrick, and Sully from Monster Inc. The details for todays story will involve: - Jeff Goldblum (Celebrity) - Tinkerbell (Fictional Character) - The Spear of Agrabah (The item theyre looking for) - A Blacksmiths (The venue theyre looking in) - Truro (The town where the Blacksmith is) Well start: Many years ago, the spear of Agrabah was stolen from its ancient resting place in the Cave of Mildly-Interesting Wonders. For centuries since, many had searched for it, but to no avail. Then, in the year 2014, a map arrived through the letterbox of Jeff Goldblums house. He didnt know whod sent it. He didnt know where it was from. All he knew, was that it featured a large X, just outside the city of Truro. This must be it, Jeff thought to himself. This must be the map that reveals where the spear is buried. I must leave immediately. Just me, twelve signed copies of The Fly, and my travelling companion, Tinkerbell. And so, he set off to...
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 12:01:04 +0000

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