Week 25 Well. This week. I honestly feel like theres not much - TopicsExpress


Week 25 Well. This week. I honestly feel like theres not much to write about :( My comp had doctors appts in the hospital all day Tuesday and Wednesday, and then she felt awful the rest of the week so we were at home the whole time. The highlight of the week was probably Saturday. The Z Ellas came over and one of them stayed home with my comp and the other let me drag her all over my area like a chicken with its head cut off to try and visit all the people I needed to haha. It was a very good but very exhuasting day, I worked my BUTT off! It felt so good to be out and teaching and doing normal missionary stuff. So one thing I think Im learning this change is how to share a gospel message in any amount of time we have. If its a minute in the street, ok. If its 10 minutes with a member after an activity, ok. If its 45 minutes at the home of an investigator, ok. Something Im really trying to do is share something in EVERY possible moment. We are not being able to leave and proselyte like normal, but at least when I see people I can try to share a little something. Its not the most effective missionary work haha but its SOMETHING. And something is better than nothing :) So What can I write about .... what with my comps illness, Im having LOADS of time to study. This past week I read Elder Ballards Our Search for Happiness and marked it all up, searched all the scriptures references, and then marked up MY scriptures a ton! It was so cool, I found so many new awesome scriptures that Ill be able to use in lessons. Ive spent a lot of time reading PMG, Leales a la Fe (cant remember what its called in English oops), the bible dictionary, and the scriptures in general. I am for sure getting to know and coming to love the scriptures in a way I never have before. Ive noticed on my mission that every once in a while I get obsessed with a certain book, and right now Ive really obsessed with Pauls epistles in the New Testament haha. Bleh. I wish I had a bunch of stuff to write about like I usually do. Im literally trying to think of ANYTHING I can share ... my mind is blank. Sigh. I finished Alma this past week, so now I only have Mosiah, the one chapter books, Jacob, 2 Nephi, and 1 Nephi until I complete Presidents challenge. And Ive got 2 weeks and 2 days to do it! Ive totally got this. Its been a really cool experience reading the BOM this way, from the back to front. Not sure Ill ever do it again, but its cool haha. I cant think of anything else :( Sorry Im sending some lame emails this change. Hopefully next week Ill have had some awesome experiences and I will be able to share them. If nothing else, I can bear my testimony. I know that this church is true, and that Jesus Christ is the head of it. When it comes down to it, thats why I chose to serve a mission. Sure, there were loads of other factors, but thats the most important part. I love this gospel. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that it testifies of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Joseph Smith translated it through the power of God, and he REALLY was a prophet! And just like in Bible times, we have a prophet on the earth. Thomas S Monson guides and directs the church through revelation from God. And I know that if we live our lives the way Christ wants us to, and if we follow His example, we WILL return to live with our Heavenly Father some day. There is no doubt in my mind. And if anyone else wants to know if this all is true ... go to the source. Talk to God. He will never lie to you :) I am so grateful for my testimony and my knowledge of the gospel. It has changed my life and continues to change the person I am. I wouldnt trade this happiness and faith for all the riches of the world. I love you so much! Cant wait til next week :) Hermana Six
Posted on: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 00:51:20 +0000

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